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Thread: First DE Merker 43c HD

  1. #1
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    Default First DE Merker 43c HD

    I have been shaving with a sr for about a year and decided to jump to the de side. I bought a merker 43c hd that came with a merker blade. The razor is shorter than I thought it would be but it's still a nice razor.
    I shaved with it this morning and I'm quite impressed. My first pass I thought it couldn't be shaving I can't feel anything. I did my sr 3 pass routine and this evening I can feel the whiskers nervously trying to come back . I got a couple of weepers and some razor burn but I'll take it as I'm new to de's. Angles, angles, angles.
    I also bought a variety pack (2each) feather,Astra, shark, derby, wilkinson, crystal, Gillette sb, and personna. I'm looking forward to using the different blades and see how different they all are. A lot like my different sr's.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Haroldg48's Avatar
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    I'll be interested in your impressions of blades as you move along. I followed the same path you have, and got a Merkur 34c after shaving with a SR for a while...forever losing the cartridge world. I got a couple different sample packs pf blades and have been using them only one of each brand at a time. My favorites so far are the Wilkinson Sword (German made), the Feathers, the Astra and the Israeli Personnas. I have several I can't stand, but I'll wait and see how they all work for you...YMMV. Enjoy!
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    Just call me Harold
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  4. #3
    Senior Member RollinCoal69's Avatar
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    Welcome to the DE side. I love my DE's. The HD merkur was my go to favorite for a long time. Then I got hooked on restoring old gillettes. I have found that I really really like my red tip Gillette. As for blades I have found certain blades work better in certain razors for me. If you want a near straight experience the feathers are SHARP! IMO. A lot of guys don't like the merkur blades. I on the other hand like them an get a nice shave from them in certain DE's. Good luck an keep us posted on your choices an shaves.
    BanjoTom likes this.
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    Thanks for the replies. I checked my face this morning and my whiskers must still be skeerd. I could get away with not shaving but may still anyway.
    Heroldg48- did you change you blade every time or use it until it went dull?
    Rollincoal69- I'm thinking about getting a fatboy also but they are going for a pretty penny on the bay

  7. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth Haroldg48's Avatar
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    I wait for signs of dullness. Usually that means after one pass if I feel like it's not cutting closely I switch blades. So far that's been 2 shaves for some of the blade brands and 5 for others. I also use it to touch up after SR shaves so it's really 2 1/2 shaves or 5 1/2 counting the clean-ups.
    Just call me Harold
    A bad day at the beach is better than a good day at work!

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  9. #6
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    Decided to shave again this morning. Razor burn and weepers on the right side of my neck. I think I'm taking sr strokes ( letting the lather and hair build up on my de) and the de gets clogged. The de starts catching and jumping right where the razor burn and weepers appear. My sr also catches there also so stretching might be the prob.

  10. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I found if my lather was not moist enough or had dried out a bit it would clog my DE more easily. It would also cause skipping with a straight or DE.

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  12. #8
    Senior Member RollinCoal69's Avatar
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    Clamup I agree with bob. Sounds like lather drying to me but stretching an angles could also be in the mix. Same as anything takes a bit of practice to get it right. As far as the fatboys go, if you want a TTO adjustable you can get a Gillette slim for a lot less an its basically a skinny version of the fatboy. I personally want a toggle. But those are way up there in price.
    "The black smoke is just lost power"

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  14. #9
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    Ill loook up the Gillette slim on the bay. Ill also check my lather, i think im rushing and not washing my de often enough but one never knows. so many variables....
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  15. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I think it is a pretty common mistake to treat a DE with less respect than a straight and be a little sloppy with technique by rushing things. Like straights, you have to concentrate on learning a technique and speed comes later. Good luck.

    RollinCoal69 likes this.
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