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Thread: Birthday is just around the corner and I want a Cadillac

  1. #1
    Livin the dream!!
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    Default Birthday is just around the corner and I want a Cadillac

    My birthday is next month I want to get a Cadillac of razors. I have been looking at the merkur futur, and the Gillette fat boy any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated I have been wet shaving for a short time compared to some others on here but my current razors are all non adjustable ones I want something that will evolve with me as I get more experience.

    It it does not need to be new but I want to get something that is easy to get. I have seen some people talk about some nice razors but they are as rare as a World Series title for the Cubs.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I can't opine on the Futur because I've never owned one but I learned to shave as a teenager on the old Gillette super speeds, and the adjustables. So I would go for a fatboy if I were you. I don't know how old you are, but if you're old enough to have been born before they were discontinued, you might get one made in the year you were born. I think somwhere around '62 or so. Not sure on that.
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  3. #3
    Livin the dream!!
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    I was born in 83 so I am a little too young for a birth year razor

  4. #4
    Senior Member Wayne1963's Avatar
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    Also check out the Merkur Progress. It is an adjustable. I have one and I love it. I never adjust it, I keep it on the mildest setting, and have no problem getting BBS.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wayne1963 View Post
    Also check out the Merkur Progress. It is an adjustable. I have one and I love it. I never adjust it, I keep it on the mildest setting, and have no problem getting BBS.
    My experience with the old fatboys is the same except I preferred the setting somewhere in the middle. Once I found it I pretty much left it as it was. Now for a DE a merkur slant is my huckleberry.
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    For a real birthday treat that will open to future joys, get a good adjustable DE razor (Merkur Progress) AND a quality starter straight razor (Dovo Best Quality or Whipped Dog or Classifieds straight razor). Commit to learn to use both. Take your time, enjoy learning to use both in a complimentary way. This was my path. This month is now 2 years for me converting to straight shaving. Both DE and Straight shaving are each fun with each having a place in this wet shaving hobby. Then you have access to collect and use all types of new and vintage razors. Have fun in your journey.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member RollinCoal69's Avatar
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    Cadillac of a razor hmmmmmm.... Well I use a bunch of different DE's an straights. If your sold on an adjustable then I have to say either a fatboy or slim vintage Gillette. If your not sold completely on adjustable then your options open up large amounts. I love the vintage red tip Gillette. Also love my merkurs. Jimmy had the best option IMO for a nonadjustable. The merkur HD slant is as close to a straight razor shave I have come with a DE. I do use the adjustable feature on my slim during 3 passes. Usually my settings are WTG 6-7 depending on growth. XTG 5 ATG 3-4 touch up 7 very lightly! Its nice to be able to contour the blade exposure to your growth. Good luck an keep us posted on what you decide to go with.
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    IMO the fat boy is a classic, but my "caddy" is a late 1940's gold plated Gillette Aristocrat. It shaves great and looks great.

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Haven't used a Futur but I do like my Fatboys. If you want to consider no adjustables I would look at the new Ikon Slant DLC iKon Slant DLC Safety Razor with 85mm Bulldog Handle | Maggard Razors - Straight Razor Restoration, Custom Scales and Wet Shaving Products . Haven't tried a slant yet but would be tempted by that one.

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  10. #10
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    I gave my wife a Futur last month for her birthday and she likes the close shave.

    I did snag it this week for two shaves and I liked the shave. It took one shave to get used to the feel of blade but by shave #2 I was rolling.

    On my Gillette Adjustable I use a setting of 4. On the Futur it is a 2. The wife likes a 3.

    The Futur is well made. I do prefer the Gillette for changing blades. The Futur's pop off top took some practice getting back on and snapped in.

    I should say I rarely shave with a DE. Only about 6 times this year.

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