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Thread: New Ikon slant? Any users?

  1. #1
    Senior Member RollinCoal69's Avatar
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    Default New Ikon slant? Any users?

    Been heavily admiring (drooling) the new ikon slant. The black head on stainless handle is gorgeous to me. Curious if anyone is using it? An if so whats the opinions on if its worth the money. I already have the 37c slant. Is the ikon worth the extra cash?
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I'm curious about the new one as well. I've got the original, picked it up reasonable on the bay, and I like it. I wrote a glowing review on it when I first got it, but since then I've become less enthusiastic. It is a good razor, and is as good as shave as the Merkur, maybe slightly better ....... maybe only as good. Depends on the day.

    What I like about the original is the weight, well made, and I believe the head angle is slightly different. The stainless handle, knurling and all, is great. What I don't like ..... the ends of the blade cannot be accessed once the top cap is on. So the blade exposure from one side to the other is difficult to adjust. I use the flat of my thumbnail against the edge to accomplish that. IME it will not tighten with equal blade exposure unless you give it that attention. The Merkur's top cap allows access to the blade ends, making adjustment easy.

    I do not like the black finish on this new one. A deal breaker for me, but I am curious as to how it differs from the first iteration. Finally, is it worth the $ ? I collect slants, so for me it was a matter of waiting for the right price on a used copy. Is it worth 3 or 4 Merkurs ? Dunno, how much it is worth is in the eye of the beholder/end user.
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    I had the same experience JimmyHAD did with the Ikon - too fiddly to align the blade. Sold it off. Still use the Merkur Sledgehammer slant once in a while, and a Hoffritz in lieu of the 37C.

  4. #4
    Senior Member RollinCoal69's Avatar
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    That was the kind of inside info I was looking for. Probably just stick with what I got. Not an all the time DE shaver anymore. Its my in a hurry choice. Maybe like jimmy if I can find one cheap enough may give it a whirl.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member cubancigar2000's Avatar
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    I have always wanted to try a slant but don't want to spend that much when I use a DE very seldom
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  6. #6
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    I have one of the Merkur Sledgehammers, everything I read said it was the closest thing to a straight.

    I found the vintage Gillette adjustable to be far better in terms of tuning it to your face than the slant. Also, since I'm not a big DE user, since getting some of these Gillette Platinum blades, it was a total game changer, used the blades again the other day, and it brought the shave to a whole new level...smooth, very close, and almost no irritation on the neck or anywhere else.

    May sound obvious to more experienced DE users, but I've come to realize, I think, that the blade you use has far more impact on the shave than the "handle".....just my opinion.

  7. #7
    Senior Member cubancigar2000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    I have one of the Merkur Sledgehammers, everything I read said it was the closest thing to a straight.

    I found the vintage Gillette adjustable to be far better in terms of tuning it to your face than the slant. Also, since I'm not a big DE user, since getting some of these Gillette Platinum blades, it was a total game changer, used the blades again the other day, and it brought the shave to a whole new level...smooth, very close, and almost no irritation on the neck or anywhere else.

    May sound obvious to more experienced DE users, but I've come to realize, I think, that the blade you use has far more impact on the shave than the "handle".....just my opinion.
    I agree with all you say. My Gillette Slim adjustables do a nice job and being able to tune it ( dial it) to the face with different blades is awesome
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  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I thank the OP for asking the question and Jimmy/Gary for their answers. That confirmed what I have read on the difference between the Mekur slant and the Ikon slant as far as the actual shave went. I ordered the Merkur slant to see how it compares to the Muhle R41 and the Gillette Fat Boy set @ 9. I should know in a couple of days when it gets here. Went with the Muker 37C not the 39C "Sledgehammer" because I like shorter handles.

    It takes a very aggressive head design in a fixed head DE in combination with a very sharp blade to come close to a straight shave for closeness and longevity. So far in fixed head DEs only the Muhle R41 and vintage Gillette OCs with a blade like a feather have come close for me. I found the same with a Gillette Fat Boy @ 9 but when set to @ 6 it was a relatively mild shave.

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  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I have never liked the adjustable razors. Perhaps I'm prejudiced from my experience with them as a kid when I first started shaving. Since 'more is better' my tendency was to shave with them at the wider exposure and that resulted in irritation if not a nick. So I shied away from DEs when I discovered the Schick SE injector models. When I came back to DEs 30 years later I found the Gillette Red Tip superspeed, 40s/50s Aristocrat and 3 piece 'Big Fellow' were about perfect for my needs. If I shaved with a fatboy it was at about a 5 to 7 for the equivalent exposure. Then I discovered the slant. The Merkur looked fearsome, but it was actually an easy razor to shave with once I got over my trepidation.

    As to blades, the Feather are my favorites now, though the Gillette Swedes were the best when I could get them. Thanks to Phrank's giving me a tip on where to find them, I have 500 on the way to me from across the pond. The funny thing about blades is that one mans meat is another mans poison. Years ago, on a DE dedicated forum, I've seen polls asking for peoples favorites, and least liked blades. I'd see guys who didn't like Feathers and Swedes and scratch my head.

    I hated Dorkos, Derbys, and a few others the names of which I've happily forgotten. I did learn to like the Derbys after awhile, if I felt like a mild shave. Haven't tried them lately, though I have a large supply of them. Nowadays if I want a mild DE shave I go with the Merkur slant or the Ikon, and if I want to really get close the Muhle R-41, with a Feather of course. Looking forward to the upcoming Gillette order.
    Last edited by JimmyHAD; 10-08-2014 at 02:47 PM.
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  10. #10
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    Gents, I have had the original Ikon SS Slant for about six months and the DLC version since it was first released. I think this thread poses a couple of questions that people would be interested in: 1) is the Ikon Slant any better than the Merkur 37c and 2) is the DLC version worth getting if you have the original SS Slant? I can't say enough good things about the Ikon DLC Slant, but I think the answer to both questions is "no", depending on your budget.

    As for the question of whether the Ikon Slant is better than the Merkur Slant, I think it is a matter of taste. They both produce exceptional shaves. I prefer the heft of the stainless steel slant. I think that is why the Ikon Slant is my daily shaver. If you have some money to burn, go for it. Otherwise the Merkur is the way to go.

    The original Ikon SS Slant had some significant staining issues. I found that blades left stains on the razor and my attempts to remove these stains only contributed more stains. The DLC coating solves this problem. The DLC coating also adds a little more glide to the razor. It is a little hard to explain but the razor glides slightly better with the DLC coating than the SS version.

    I have seen on other forums where people complain about the difficulty in seating the DE blade without the sides being exposed for manual manipulation. For a month or two I had the same complaint. I have since come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter. I haven't really noticed a difference in the shave when I deliberately change the orientation of the blade and when I let the razor seat naturally. If you have noticed any of the discussions on the new Razorock Slant you will see that its blade gap is deliberately asymmetric. I suspect the same of the Ikon Slant.

    In the interest of full disclosure, the Ikon DLC Slant with a Gillette Silver Blue blade is my daily DE razor. I highly recommend it if you are interested in a razor that will last you for decades to come. I am not sure I can say the same of the Merkur. I have already had one wear out of me. As an aside, I recommend buying the head separately and purchasing a SS bulldog handle from Weber razors. The long handled razor included with the DLC Slant is too long for my taste. As always, YMMV.

    I may have generated more questions for you than I answered, but I hope the response was useful nonetheless.

    Hope this helps,

  11. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Phurls For This Useful Post:

    BobH (10-13-2014), JimmyHAD (10-13-2014)

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