Well here are more of my thoughts on the Gillette Adjustables:

1) Do they work for everybody? They were meant to be a one size fits all solution. Sometimes the range of adustablity doesn't work for some people. But it does work for many many.
2) Great first razor! Some people find them complicated, but you don't need to buy 9 different razors to find something that works. The more experienced shaver, can have a period of RAD and 9 razors is nothing to buy. Can you find a non-adjustable the is less complicated and perfect for you? Yes, but how many non-adjustables do you have to buy? How many did I have to buy to find the right non-adjustable? I'm embarrassed to say, but I have a ton-o-razors shaver grade that is. Adjustables can eliminate the need for RAD - ha ha!
3) You can do a dial down or dial up shave. For example first pass more aggressive and subsequent passes less aggressive. Personally I am a dial down guy WTG - 7, XTG - 6, ATG - 5: But that's me. I would have to have three different razors to do that same shave. My go to non-adjustable is a Wolfman Dual Comb. The open comb side is more aggressive and I finish with the solid bar side. And I don't have to think either...
4) They are a mechanical work of art. Other razors are no where near as complicated. They are difficult to manufacture and counterfeit. All this makes them the very very best razor to collect. The pinnacle of automated razor making craft.
5) Adjustables are just cool!