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Thread: DE & blade combo question

  1. #21
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I have the early version of the R41 and the first few times I used it I sliced myself worse than I ever did with any straight even when I was learning to use a straight.

    However what I learned is you need some real skill with that razor. You need to use really minimal pressure and the angle you hold the thing has to be watched carefully and you need to go slow, really slow.

    In the end I decided with all the fuss with that razor I might just as well use a straight.
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  2. #22
    Junior Tinkerer Srdjan's Avatar
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    Bob, I think the version I tried was from last year (around this time), I remember a friend let me have his new R41 to try. I put a Feather inside and butchered my face, then I put a PSI in and didn't really get many weepers (maybe one on my neck), but I remember these shaves being extremely unpleasant - as Spendur says, I'd rather use a straight in this case, and it will be a lot easier.

    OP sorry about the off topic!
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  3. #23
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I too tried the r41. Got the closest shave from it. Mine was the newer version not as agressive as the old version. It was the last DE i used before SR's. The angle made all the difference to me.
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  4. #24
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    I also have the Muhle R41, and still use it when traveling. At home I use straights - the day I can get as close a shave with a straight as I can with the R41 and a fresh Astra blade is the day I'll know I've truly mastered straight razor shaving. The R41 gives the closest shaves I've ever experienced, turning even my cheese-grater stubble into baby's butt smoothness.

    But it's far less forgiving than any straight razor, definitely demands attention. Pull your skin as tight as you would with a straight razor, use the right angle and enjoy how great your face feels the rest of the day.
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  5. #25
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Currently I use mostly modern stainless steel safety razors, double or single edge, and leave the straight razor shaving for the weekends. Some physical limitations in my shoulders and hands plus just straight razor fatigue have changed my shaving focus.

    My current safety razor lineup is this: BBS-1, three Timeless SB and OC, Blackbird, Mongoose, and then the Gillette Aristocrat, Fatboy, Red Tip and Flaretip.

    After years of using Feather, Gillette yellow, Astra, Iridium Super, Polsilver and Personna red, I have discovered that the Feather works best for me — in any razor. Since I have a good supply of all these blades, I still use them, even though I prefer the Feather. Once my supply of them is finished, it'll be Feather all the way.

    I use a new blade with every shave, except for the Feather, which gets smoother on the second shave, and then dies on the third. So, then, it is two shaves and out with the Feather.

    My shave moto is: Comfort over Perfect. And the older I get, the more I stick to it.
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