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Thread: DE & blade combo question

  1. #1
    Senior Member AlanQ's Avatar
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    Default DE & blade combo question

    I have several DE`s liked em all except for my Gilette adjustables. Never could get a decent shave from them, lots of cuts, not smooth at all, just plain face butchering going on. Well the other day I got some new blades and wanted to try them out. The only DE `s that didnt already have a blade in them was the adjustables so I thought what the heck Ill give it a try. It was super smooth, not super close but smooth!. Shaved again with it the next day and moved it to more agressive setting, still smooth but better shave over all.
    Now my question: Do different blades behave differently in different DEs? I havent really found a difference in any of my other blades, the ones I like I seem to like in all my DEs and same for dislikes.
    Or is it possible I am just using the adjustable differently now and it is my technique that has caused the difference?

  2. #2
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    I haven't had much love for adjustables but I also haven't given them the time they deserve to get used to them. I usually stayed at 2 or 3 and I have heard a few times recently that adjustables perform best around 5.

    All I know for sure is an Aristoctat with 7 Oclock yellows will deliver a fantastic shave for me even when I rush. That's the true reason why I haven't given adjustables much time, my crat kills it everytime almost effortlessly.

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  4. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    My experience with vintage DE safety razors;

    I only use the Gillettes; I don't have a modern DE razor. The youngest of mine were made in the 70's . I have three adjustable razors & they stay in the collection. I really don't find anything special about the shave. I prefer Feather blades as the top choice & actually Sharks are my #2 choice.

    I enjoy an open comb Gillette shave the most , with a Shark loaded in it. I don't use Feathers in my open combs. The shave is a little too close for comfort.

    The TTO's are fine with any DE blade, but Sharks perform well in all my razors.

    Not all TTO's perform the same, the Lady Gillette K1 , though not the macho choice, gives me the best shave of all my DE razors. I can load it with any brand blade & the shave is great.

    Choices as to what brand blade, to place in what style razor , is a very personal one. Getting a sample pack & rotating them through the razor will tell you a lot as to what razor/blade combination you like.
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    Senior Member AlanQ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stu929 View Post
    I haven't had much love for adjustables but I also haven't given them the time they deserve to get used to them. I usually stayed at 2 or 3 and I have heard a few times recently that adjustables perform best around 5.

    All I know for sure is an Aristoctat with 7 Oclock yellows will deliver a fantastic shave for me even when I rush. That's the true reason why I haven't given adjustables much time, my crat kills it everytime almost effortlessly.

    Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
    Thanx I use the DE`s when I'm in a hurry straights when I have more time. I do like to experiment though so I try almost anything I can get my hands on

  7. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I guess different blades can make a difference but that drastic a difference may be down to learning to shave with a straight razor which improved your DE shaving. If you are going to shave with a Gillette adjustable at anywhere near the #9 setting do not be in a rush but shave with it like it was a straight razor.

    Last edited by BobH; 09-03-2017 at 12:57 PM.
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  9. #6
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Back when i used a DE i enjoyed my open comb old style the most but habe used all the different gillette razors. I found the Gillette Silver and Blue to be the most.comfortable and great shaves no mater what i put the blade in.

    After the transision to S.R. i havent picked up a DE and still have a dozen blades. Never know when i might habe to step back.
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  10. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth ejmolitor37's Avatar
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    I have 1 TTO adjustable Gillette and I so far have not cared for it. As stated above I have not put the leg work in with it to see if I can enjoy it. I have 2 or 3 other Gillette razors I truly enjoy. And I only use dollar store blades in them. Cheap, easy access and they perform for me.
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  11. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth evnpar's Avatar
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    Oh boy do they! I shaved with DE's for over 50 years until I discovered the forums and the joy of shaving with a straight. I must have had 25 to 30 different DE's from some of the earliest to the most modern, and each one seemed to give their best shaves with only one or two particular blades. The best thing to do is to buy a sample pack of a dozen or so different blades, and try them out in each of your razors. Of course there are many other things that contribute to a good shave with a DE, such as blade gap. Within a year of discovering straights, I sold all of my DE's except a Gillette slim that I purchase new in 1962 and had thousands of good shaves with it.
    AlanQ and SemperFi like this.

  12. #9
    Senior Member SemperFi's Avatar
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    ^+1 Richard's advice on blade sample packs and input on blade gaps is spot on!

    My experience is similar to his; shaved with DEs for about 25 years, but let most of them go when I switched to straights. I've kept 2 DEs and 1 SE that are stellar performers when I don't have the time or etc. for a straight shave.
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  13. #10
    Senior Member AlanQ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by evnpar View Post
    Oh boy do they! I shaved with DE's for over 50 years until I discovered the forums and the joy of shaving with a straight. I must have had 25 to 30 different DE's from some of the earliest to the most modern, and each one seemed to give their best shaves with only one or two particular blades. The best thing to do is to buy a sample pack of a dozen or so different blades, and try them out in each of your razors. Of course there are many other things that contribute to a good shave with a DE, such as blade gap. Within a year of discovering straights, I sold all of my DE's except a Gillette slim that I purchase new in 1962 and had thousands of good shaves with it.
    Thanx I wasnt sure as I have 7 DE`s and tried all kinds of blades in all of them. The adjsutable is the only one I didnt like untill the other day. Perhaps I need to try experimenting more. On a similar note I have tried my feather blades in 2 of them and really dont like them atall , in fact I had given up on them compeltely. I guess I try them in some other DEs and see if they start working better.

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