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Thread: Double Edge Slant Bar Razor Recommendations

  1. #11
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Actually they don't stock them they are drop shipped by the manufacturer. When I bought mine it came through Niagara Falls N.Y. Italian Barber is in the LA area.
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  2. #12
    Member MrEvolution's Avatar
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    That is where mine is coming from also. Oh well it gets here when it gets here ...

  3. #13
    Member MrEvolution's Avatar
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    Had my first shave with the Wunderbar today. It is very efficient completing the job in two passes with a few touch ups. I used an Astra blade on its second shave I could tell the razor demands attention to detail in order to avoid any irritation/nicks. It seems well worth the mental investment. This week I will put it to use and see how it goes.

  4. #14
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I've been using my Wunderbar for a bit now so I can provide a mini review here. By way of comparison I've been using the Mongoose since the first version came out.

    First the finishing is excellent. The description says it has a basic finish but they must have refined that because mine is mirror quality on the head and handle. The only negative I could find is the handle when screwing into the head is a little rough feeling. It screws in fine but is rough. We'll see what happens with that.

    The razor is light compared to the Mongoose and fits well in the hand with a sure grip. It reminds me of the Feather Stainless which I thought has a quality like an extension of your hand like a surgical instrument. This is the same. I imagine the Titanium handle is why it's light and it's well balanced with the head.

    Using a feather blade in both razors this razor is less aggressive than the mongoose and gives a better shave no doubt about that at all. I would say this razor equals my original R-41 in shave quality without it's bad disposition. You do have to watch the pressure because if you apply any I would imagine nicks would abound. It's not as sensitive in that regard as the R-41 but is closer to the Mongoose.

    The resulting shave was total BBS without any negatives at all. I would highly recommend this razor and as a matter of fact the shave is so close to a straight that....well I'll stop there.
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  5. #15
    Member MrEvolution's Avatar
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    Nice mini review. I think I will try a feather blade in it tomorrow morning. Does anyone have a base stand for it they can recommend?

  6. #16
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The base for the above the tie fits fine.
    Last edited by thebigspendur; 11-08-2017 at 02:41 AM. Reason: correction
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  7. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    to shave another day.

  8. #18
    Senior Member RollinCoal69's Avatar
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    I have the razorock slant that is a very fine shaver for a budget. If budget doesn’t apply the Merkur or ATT are my pick.
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  9. #19
    Member MrEvolution's Avatar
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    Today was my 5th or 6th shave using the Wunderbar. I had a 5 day beard that had to go. The Wunderbar took it out in two passes with a bit of touch up, using an Astra blade.

    It did take me a bit of learning even though I am experienced with DE shavers. Keeping the angle and pressure correct with this razor is key, more so than any other DE I have used. Today was the first time I really received that comfortable shave I would expect for the Wunderbar.
    With that said it is worth the effort, as I am feeling like a million bucks, looking sharp, and very happy with the shave.

    As for the base stand I have learned that the Wunderbar I have has the new 3cm wide handle made of titanium and many common stands only accommodate up to 2.7cm. I did not really need a stand anyhow, so no worries there.

    Using the feather blade was a bit too harsh, I may try it again in the future.

    All n all thanks for the advice guys.

  10. #20
    Senior Member Wayne1963's Avatar
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    On occasion, my Merkur slant will grab a hair between the end of the blade and the razor head. This only happens when I haven't shaved for a few days. I think it's punishing me for neglecting it.

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