Aloha! Et salut!

I've done this before. And I had about the same circumstance as you. I was in a hurry to get out out of the house, grabbed a random blade - one that came with a razor - and got a terrible shave. Razor selection (blade reveal) is so important when it comes to matching-up with your blades. I can't use a Feather in an adjustable even with the smallest blade reveal setting. I need a very mild razor like the Edwin Jagger DE89 for such blades.

Yet, other random lesser-known brands have been a crap shoot for me. Some work, but I haven't found one that suits me as well as Feather, Bolzano and SuperMax Titanium. Those are my top three. But I sometimes think I'll try a lesser-known again to see what's what.

BTW, I love Montreal and was just there in October. I plan on attending the Montreal Jazz Fest (I'm a Jazz Aficionado) this summer, and getting a lot more helpings of Poutine. I can't get enough of that stuff. I do speak French, although I speak Parisian not Canadian so many locals pretend they don't understand me.

A bientot! and Mahalo!
