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Thread: Random blades

  1. #1
    Senior Member AlanQ's Avatar
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    Default Random blades

    I have a few random DE blades I got in a mixed set and put one in this morning to shave before work
    Decided since everyone talks about the well known brandes maybe a review of lesser known brands might be in order.
    These is of course will just be my humble opinions.

    So today it was a Tiger brand stainless steel in my Gillette black beauty
    Results were very disappointing. I got a terrible shave. Lots of stubble left over and lots of weepers/razor rash.
    Now in defence of the blade it was 5:00 and I was in a hurry to get to work (hence the reason I was using a DE and not a straight), so Ill give this blade another chance perhaps on Monday or Tuesday (gonna have a nice shave for Easter)
    Until then I give this blade a 3/10 it was a lousy shave and I bled a lot but I didn't feel it was lousy or notice the blood till later (possible because I was still unconscious)
    Geezer, Grazor, JP5 and 2 others like this.

  2. #2
    Senior Member ZipZop's Avatar
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    Aloha! Et salut!

    I've done this before. And I had about the same circumstance as you. I was in a hurry to get out out of the house, grabbed a random blade - one that came with a razor - and got a terrible shave. Razor selection (blade reveal) is so important when it comes to matching-up with your blades. I can't use a Feather in an adjustable even with the smallest blade reveal setting. I need a very mild razor like the Edwin Jagger DE89 for such blades.

    Yet, other random lesser-known brands have been a crap shoot for me. Some work, but I haven't found one that suits me as well as Feather, Bolzano and SuperMax Titanium. Those are my top three. But I sometimes think I'll try a lesser-known again to see what's what.

    BTW, I love Montreal and was just there in October. I plan on attending the Montreal Jazz Fest (I'm a Jazz Aficionado) this summer, and getting a lot more helpings of Poutine. I can't get enough of that stuff. I do speak French, although I speak Parisian not Canadian so many locals pretend they don't understand me.

    A bientot! and Mahalo!

    "I get some lather and lather-up, then I get my razor and shave! Zip Zop, see that? My face Is ripped to shreads!"

  3. #3
    Senior Member AlanQ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZipZop View Post
    Aloha! Et salut!

    I've done this before. And I had about the same circumstance as you. I was in a hurry to get out out of the house, grabbed a random blade - one that came with a razor - and got a terrible shave. Razor selection (blade reveal) is so important when it comes to matching-up with your blades. I can't use a Feather in an adjustable even with the smallest blade reveal setting. I need a very mild razor like the Edwin Jagger DE89 for such blades.

    Yet, other random lesser-known brands have been a crap shoot for me. Some work, but I haven't found one that suits me as well as Feather, Bolzano and SuperMax Titanium. Those are my top three. But I sometimes think I'll try a lesser-known again to see what's what.

    BTW, I love Montreal and was just there in October. I plan on attending the Montreal Jazz Fest (I'm a Jazz Aficionado) this summer, and getting a lot more helpings of Poutine. I can't get enough of that stuff. I do speak French, although I speak Parisian not Canadian so many locals pretend they don't understand me.

    A bientot! and Mahalo!

    I have yet to be able to use a feather and not massacre my face. Everyone seems to love them but they seem to hate me. Ive tried them in a few different razors with no success.
    As to the French, I have the same complaint when I go to France, people pretend they dont understand me. Of course it is here in Quebec that we speak proper french and in France they have changed their language so much it is hard for us to understand them sometimes.
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  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The Feather and a few others are very sharp blades and that coupled with a razor on the aggressive side is a real test of your skill with DE. If you are at all sloppy with your technique you can do a number on your face. Milder blades can be really forgiving.
    ZipZop likes this.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member AlanQ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    The Feather and a few others are very sharp blades and that coupled with a razor on the aggressive side is a real test of your skill with DE. If you are at all sloppy with your technique you can do a number on your face. Milder blades can be really forgiving.
    Apparently I dont have great DE skills

  6. #6
    Senior Member AlanQ's Avatar
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    OK day 2 with the Tiger.
    Went better in the sense that my face isn't bleeding at all (possibly due to being conscious this time around) but still lots of irritation around my chin and some on my neck. The shave again was not close at all and so Ill leave my rating at 3/10 and chuck the blade.
    I recommend you avoid this brand
    malaverdiere and ZipZop like this.

  7. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    What setting do you use on the razor? Many feel it's an aggressive razor and if it's cranked up too high you can have issues.
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    JP5 is offline
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    Thanks for the review. I'm trying to slowly make the transition so straights are my primary shavers, but I'm still interested in finding what DE works best for me
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  9. #9
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JP5 View Post
    Thanks for the review. I'm trying to slowly make the transition so straights are my primary shavers, but I'm still interested in finding what DE works best for me
    Take a look at the Razorock Wunderbar. It's a slant and it shaves about equal to the original R-41 with about 90% less aggressiveness.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member AlanQ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    What setting do you use on the razor? Many feel it's an aggressive razor and if it's cranked up too high you can have issues.
    I have it set on 2 so not very agressive at all

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