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Thread: Broke my R89 Head... now what?

  1. #1
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    Default Broke my R89 Head... now what?

    So I moved this weekend and all was good until I started to unpack. One careless motion and out tumbled my Muhle Kosmo DE with the R89 head on it. Heart stops, I look down, and there is my three piece DE in four pieces. I begin googling around and it turns out that the heads breaking at the threads is a super common problem with Muhle heads, largely because they're made of zamak.

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    Now, it's an absolutely beautiful set but I haven't used it in years since I strongly prefer straights. So, here's the problem: what do I do now?
    1) The bottom plate wasn't bent or damaged in the fall so I could just get a new R89 top cap for around $13 USD.
    2) Take advantage of the situation at replace it with an R41 head for around $25 USD.
    3) Get an entirely different head to through on there -- appealing, but also tricky because I've noticed that the threaded barrel on the Muhle heads is a bit shorter and so at least some other DE heads won't screw all the way down (I have a generic Fendrihan head for which won't fit on the Muhle handle for this reason)
    4) I'm not using it anyhow, it's really just a show piece, so maybe I just tuck it away without replacing the head at all.

    Finally, whether I replace the head or not, maybe I should just sell the set, whether with the repaired head or as-is.

    Obviously the decision is mine and only I can decide what is best for me here, but I'd love for people to weigh in on this if they have any thoughts.

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    If you ever use it, definitely fix it. Wouldn't risk any head I wasn't sure would fit. Too bad though! First I've heard of a three piece breaking. Not too familiar with the brand, but the only 3 piece I have is my Merkur.
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    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    It's worthless to someone else right now so it won't fetch much unless someone needs the set and doesn't care about the razor.

    Repair? I'm not sure with that metal a normal repair would work. I doubt you could weld it, maybe crazy glue?
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    Quote Originally Posted by JP5 View Post
    If you ever use it, definitely fix it. Wouldn't risk any head I wasn't sure would fit. Too bad though! First I've heard of a three piece breaking. Not too familiar with the brand, but the only 3 piece I have is my Merkur.
    Muhle is definitely a pretty major brand in the DE world. The R89 head made by them is actually the one used in all the Edwin Jagger razors. I might be wrong about this, but I'm pretty sure that while Merkur and Dovo are part of the same company, so too are Muhle and Boker.

    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    It's worthless to someone else right now so it won't fetch much unless someone needs the set and doesn't care about the razor.

    Repair? I'm not sure with that metal a normal repair would work. I doubt you could weld it, maybe crazy glue?
    Yes, I definitely mis-spoke here. It wouldn't make any sense to somehow re-attach the broken threats back to the cap; by repair I meant repair the set by replacing the top cap.

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    While I don’t agree on your “super common” statement, I would take the opportunity to move to a closer shave with a R41 cap and find out what the R41 talk is all about.
    If you have been shaving for a while, chances are that you will like the Mühle take on open comb designs .

    When I can’t use my straights, my Mühle R101 (R41 with black handle) gives me comparable and comfortable shaves.

    Regarding the agressiveness, all that talk about “The Beast” makes me cringe.
    The R41 is an extremely capable razor, but a user needs to know what he is doing and it may not be the best choice for a beginner.

    For what it is worth, the base plate of R41 and R89 are not the same, so you would need to get a complete R41 head assembly.

    Last edited by beluga; 04-04-2019 at 02:47 AM.
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  6. #6
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    Almost anything can be repaired if you have the time and money.

    I have no idea what the set itself is worth but if it is worth more than $13 to you buy another cap.
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    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I'd go along with what beluga has said and get an R41 replacement head. If you can shave with a straight razor you can enjoy a shave with an R41.

    I think there have been about 3 versions of the R41 head and the current one is supposed to be tamer than the initial version. I think it got a bad rep at the start from that version and beginners not knowing how to shave with it. I have the 2012 version and it will give a nice smooth comfortable shave if used properly.

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    I would replace it. It sounds like the set is something you enjoy. Muhle does make very attractive kits. I have the same brush and use it as my traveler. If you really don't want it I would entertain buying it off you if the price were right. Been on a big DE kick lately. Wife said no more straights until the baby is born...but DEs arent straights.

  9. #9
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    I'd just sent an email to Mühle directly to ask if they have a separate R89 head they are willing to sell


    I'd look for a sturdier replacement

  10. #10
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    I would go the cheapest way possible and buy the top cap for $13.

    If you strongly prefer straights, buying an R41 head won't increase the use. Same is true if you buy a completely other razor. It is worth the $13 to repair as it is a nice matching set with stand and brush.

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