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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arrowhead View Post
    I don't know if the Super Iridium blades are easily available in the US, but they are worth trying: not quite as sharp as Feathers, but noticeably smooth. My favourite now that UK made Wilkinsons are collectors' items.
    Iridium blades are my favorite right now. I haven't seen them in any brick-and-mortar stores yet, but a few online retailers carry them.

  2. #22
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arrowhead View Post
    I don't know if the Super Iridium blades are easily available in the US, but they are worth trying: not quite as sharp as Feathers, but noticeably smooth. My favourite now that UK made Wilkinsons are collectors' items.
    I believe the Super Iridium DE blades are available in the U. S. at Bullgoose Shaving.

    Super Iridium DE Blades -BullGoose Shaving Supplies
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  3. #23
    Senior Member sensei_kyle's Avatar
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    I typically feed my Merkur HD Derby or Feather. I hate the Merkur blades though. They just don't perform well for me. But, your mileage may vary.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by jhenry View Post
    I believe the Super Iridium DE blades are available in the U. S. at Bullgoose Shaving.

    Super Iridium DE Blades -BullGoose Shaving Supplies
    That's where I get mine from too (I was going to mention it, but didn't want one of my first posts to seem like a suspicious plug for a vendor). Phil (the owner) is a great guy.

    You can also get Iridium blades at West Coast Shaving

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by sensei_kyle View Post
    I typically feed my Merkur HD Derby or Feather. I hate the Merkur blades though. They just don't perform well for me. But, your mileage may vary.
    I gave Merkur blades a chance, but in my experience, it seemed that there were some quality control issues. Almost every blade I tried was inconsistent; some skipped, some were more dull than others, etc. Oh well, can't win 'em all.

    Feathers work great for me. Of course, that also means they're the most expensive blades I have

  6. #26
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mlp2147 View Post
    I'm looking at a DE and thought I'd ask everyone's opinion on what their favorite blade is for their DE? If you have one, why?

    Not all blades are equal.
    All faces are not the same..
    DE blade holders are not equal.
    Different lather helps or hinders blades.

    Find some site that offers a sampler pack
    that is the only way to discover the answer.

    Feather -- sharp as stink, first shave requires a great lather.
    Merkur -- not as sharp as a Feather a little harsh...
    Derby -- pleasant just bought 100+...
    Wallmart (Persona??)... way better than the price lets on....

  7. #27
    Junior Member timmy's Avatar
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    I would say start out with a sample pack. You never know what blade will work best for you. I have tried many blades in the past year and was surprised to find that some of the cheaper blades gave me a smoother, cleaner shave in fewer passes.

    Here is my list in the order I prefer them.

    * Feather Hi-Stainless

    * Shark Super Chrome

    * Iridium Super

    * Rapira Super Stainless - Great Russian blade
    * Gillette 7 O'clock Sharp Edge - Yellows - Russian made

    * Astra Superior Platinum - Lots of glue but sharp
    * Personna Israeli "Red Pack"
    * Derby - Packs with big writing on them only.
    Big Writing
    * Super-Max Platinum - Great for the price, made in India
    * Dorco ST-301 - maybe a 3 shave blade but way cheap

    I still have many more to try.

  8. #28
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    All the blades I've tried see double duty, both head and face. Derby, Feather Black and Yellow, Super-Max London England, Personna Red, Personna Crystal, Personna Super Platinum, Blue Bird, Gillette 7'0clock yellow, Wilkinson Sword and Iridium Super blues. The Merkur blade is forgettable, in any DE I've tried so far.
    I will chose the Feather Black for all around smooth shave. It lasts the longest and took care of 3 days growth like a champ.

    Kind regards,
    Last edited by Soopercat; 02-24-2010 at 02:59 AM. Reason: forgot Merkur

  9. #29
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    This has been my experience:

    Dorco 300s - The blade feels like it is scraping. I do like the sound. It is good for a change of pace. The blade is very economical.

    Red IPs - I get 3 good shaves. They are consistly good and well priced.

    Derbys - They are inconsistent as hell. Once in a while I will get a great blade that lasts 4 or 5 shaves. Some blades last 2x or 3x. Some blades are bad from the start.

    Feathers - Extremely consistent and very sharp. They are priced at a premium, but they last four shaves or more.

    Super Iridiums - The best blades I have ever used. They last for 5 shaves or more. I change blades not because they are dull but because I am afraid of getting razor bumps if I use them too long. They are smooth and comfortable. I put it in my tech and it feels like there is no blade in the razor.

    Merkurs - They give a comfortable shave. But, I end up with razor bumps all over my face. This happens with a fresh blade.

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