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Thread: Edwin Jagger De89L

  1. #11
    Senior Member Joe Edson's Avatar
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    IMHO the EJ89/Muhle 89 is the best modern day production DE razor. Congrats on picking one up!

  2. #12
    Senior Member Arrowhead's Avatar
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    Coming in a bit late on this one, just to give the Taylor's sandalwood cream a resounding thumbs up. I've been using it for ages now (a decade and a half at least) through a couple of reformulations, and it still earns a permanent place in the bathroom cabinet. Do what you like with it: face or bowl lather, DE or straight razor, and it performs very well indeed. Furthermore, and most importantly, my wife still loves the scent.

  3. #13
    Junior Member dynamo's Avatar
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    Just put an order for my first Edwin Jagger DE razor - Lined Chrome.

    can't wait to try it out!

  4. #14
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    Again, thanks for everyone's approval on this, I couldn't be happier with the results.

    Ryan, you're actually right it was Audrey II (finally someone understands my fairly random references) , I just seem to remember the song "Feed me, Seymour, feed me all night long.."

    Also Dynamo, good call on the lined chrome, it's really a pretty razor and a real step in the right direction towards less irrition and cuts.

    Between De Layne and Arrowhead, I think I made the decision that the next time I have a few extra dollars to toss around I'm going to go with the English Shaving Company's Sandalwood since it smells great, gives me some odd nostalgia and the tub of TOBS rose just wasn't what I was expecting. (Fool me once , shame on you)

  5. #15
    Senior Member De Layne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoubleEdge23c View Post
    Again, thanks for everyone's approval on this, I couldn't be happier with the results.

    Also Dynamo, good call on the lined chrome, it's really a pretty razor and a real step in the right direction towards less irrition and cuts.

    Between De Layne and Arrowhead, I think I made the decision that the next time I have a few extra dollars to toss around I'm going to go with the English Shaving Company's Sandalwood since it smells great, gives me some odd nostalgia and the tub of TOBS rose just wasn't what I was expecting. (Fool me once , shame on you)
    Hi there,

    So you ended up buying the EJ Lined Chatsworth then? I was fortunate to try one of those out a while back, and it's a handsome looking razor. It's quite a bit heavier than most other types and the balance seemed good for a handle weighing that much. Heh, that thing weighs 4 ounces, and it felt good in my hand.

    One thing the extra weight may cause is the razor to be a little more aggressive than one with a regular handle...or maybe not. Seems to me like the extra grams of a heavy razor can sometimes translate to the blade pressing down a little more. I'll find myself trying to use negative pressure, if that makes any sense. That's probably something you won't run across, but you never know.

    The sandalwood cream I recommended is made by Art of Shaving. It's actually not very expensive for what you get, although the soap is sorta pricey. I went through a sandalwood phase years ago, and found the AOS line to be about the truest version. Now that may not be the best for you, unless you like a single note fragrance. Most other versions of sandalwood creams were a blend of notes that included sandalwood in the mix.

    Now keep in mind that my opinions are gonna be similar to some, but certainly not everyone's. In the end, you have to try (and sniff) each product for yourself. Crazy how that works, but true enough.


  6. #16
    Junior Member dynamo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by De Layne View Post
    Hi there,

    So you ended up buying the EJ Lined Chatsworth then? I was fortunate to try one of those out a while back, and it's a handsome looking razor. It's quite a bit heavier than most other types and the balance seemed good for a handle weighing that much. Heh, that thing weighs 4 ounces, and it felt good in my hand.

    One thing the extra weight may cause is the razor to be a little more aggressive than one with a regular handle...or maybe not. Seems to me like the extra grams of a heavy razor can sometimes translate to the blade pressing down a little more. I'll find myself trying to use negative pressure, if that makes any sense. That's probably something you won't run across, but you never know.

    The sandalwood cream I recommended is made by Art of Shaving. It's actually not very expensive for what you get, although the soap is sorta pricey. I went through a sandalwood phase years ago, and found the AOS line to be about the truest version. Now that may not be the best for you, unless you like a single note fragrance. Most other versions of sandalwood creams were a blend of notes that included sandalwood in the mix.

    Now keep in mind that my opinions are gonna be similar to some, but certainly not everyone's. In the end, you have to try (and sniff) each product for yourself. Crazy how that works, but true enough.

    I also feel that AOS Sandalwood is one of the best out there. you are quite right about the cream having a single note fragrance.

  7. #17
    Member RazoRock's Avatar
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    I use the Muhle R89 quite often, which shares the same head as the Edwin Jagger. It's a great design and a great razor for the money. You will be happy.

  8. #18
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RazoRock View Post
    I use the Muhle R89 quite often, which shares the same head as the Edwin Jagger. It's a great design and a great razor for the money. You will be happy.
    I like the knurling on the handle of the Muhle R89 in comparison to the Edwin Jagger version. Are you certain that the heads are the same? That seems unlikely given that the Muhle is German and the EJ is English, but I have no idea if the companies interact.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    I like the knurling on the handle of the Muhle R89 in comparison to the Edwin Jagger version. Are you certain that the heads are the same? That seems unlikely given that the Muhle is German and the EJ is English, but I have no idea if the companies interact.
    Yes, I'm certain. Edwin Jagger buys the heads from Muhle.

    The Muhle is almost double the price, but I tend to superlather quite often with Cremo cream and this can make my hands a little slippery, this is why I prefer the knurled handle on the Muhle. I have friends that use the EJ and tell me slippage isn't an issue but I wanted to be sure. For $32-$34, you definitely can't go wrong with the EJ. Most people compare the Muhle head to the Merkur head that is common on the HD and other models, I find the finish and engineering on the Muhle head to be far superior; in fact, I wasn't happy with my Merkur's and decided not to sell them on my website; I saw a lot of plating and finish quality issues.

    One brand you may want to take a look at is iKon. More in the price range of Muhle but they are all stainless and will last many lifetimes.
    Last edited by RazoRock; 10-26-2010 at 11:34 PM.

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  11. #20
    Senior Member Shoki's Avatar
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    How is the Muhel head different from a Merkur Head?

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