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Thread: DE Question

  1. #1
    Sorry what? I wasn`t listening.... Feebo's Avatar
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    Default DE Question

    Hey guys! Long time no read I`ve settled into straight shaving really well, I`m now fairly proficient with a straight and I`m enjoying it every bit as much as the day I started But... I still find myself tidying the odd difficult to reach bit with an M3. I`d very much like to stop buying those things at £10 a pop! So here`s my question. It`s my birthday soon and I`ve asked my wife if she could find me a DE. The only thing is, I`d really much rather not be putting modern razor blades in it. You CAN get them with permenant blades that you just look after in a similar way to a straight can`t you?
    I had a look on Ebay just to see what`s there and here is one I saw...
    VINTAGE RAZOR OLD ROLLS RAZOR STROP WAR ISSUE on eBay (end time 25-Oct-10 19:28:00 BST)

    Could you guys point me in the right direction please? I bought straights off Ebay when I first started out and needless to say, I soon needed to replace my first choices! lol If you could advise me on the existance of permenant bladed De`s and a good trusted make, maybe even a link or two, I`d be most grateful........

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    If you want a DE and it's going to be your one and only I would look at the Edwin Jaegers which use the new head which will give you just about the best shave out there with a DE. The basic models aren't that expensive. If you want vintage look at the Gillettes- Fat Boys, and Super Speeds and there are a bunch of others. Others will chime in with their favorites.

    I would avoid the rolls. Its an odd duck and requires it's own system to hone and maintain.Parts may become difficult to acquire down the road.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  3. #3
    Sorry what? I wasn`t listening.... Feebo's Avatar
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    Excellent! Thanks for that I`ll pop off and have a look for this Edwin chap and in the mean time, if anybody else has any suggestions and links, I`m all ears!

  4. #4
    Inane Rambler Troggie's Avatar
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    I like the Schick Krona DE which is a mild shaver and I also like the New Type Gillette for the vintage ones. I have tried an Old Type but found it too aggressive. I hear that the Edwin's are really good but have not tried one.

  5. #5
    Sorry what? I wasn`t listening.... Feebo's Avatar
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    Thanks Troggie I`ll go and check that out....

  6. #6
    Senior Member De Layne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feebo View Post
    So here`s my question. It`s my birthday soon and I`ve asked my wife if she could find me a DE. The only thing is, I`d really much rather not be putting modern razor blades in it. You CAN get them with permenant blades that you just look after in a similar way to a straight can`t you?

    If you could advise me on the existance of permenant bladed De`s and a good trusted make, maybe even a link or two, I`d be most grateful........
    Hi there,

    I can't think of any DE razors that hold a permanent blade made for resharpening. Every safety razor I know of will need a blade change after a certain amount of shaves. That Rolls you looked at is a different animal altogether, and has a bit more of a learning curve. I don't believe it's something you'd wanna experiment with at this time. May I ask what the problem is regarding switching blades?

    Some DE types have a lower profile head design, and something like a slim or super speed might be good for getting those tough to reach spots. You might also look for a Tech for example. There's many variations of those, but the head is similar, which is the main thing. They're not expensive at all, and are a mild yet effective shaver. Lots of experienced members use this type. Heh, there's a bunch of other razors to choose from as well.

    You might also look into trying a Schick injector. Those can reach the tough to shave spots easily, and are also effective with the right blade.

    Last edited by De Layne; 10-24-2010 at 02:58 PM.

  7. #7
    Sorry what? I wasn`t listening.... Feebo's Avatar
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    Oh there`s no problem with cheanging blades, I just thought if there were such a thing as a permenant bladed one it would be nice because I enjoy looking after my tools/straight razors etc. I`m happy to get one that needs razors putting in It`s interesting that your saying some may be more suitable than others where difficult hairs are concerned. Thanks very much for that I`ll look up some of the names you`ve mentioned there. I think I`ll post some pictures of the various razors aswell, it may help someone else in making the same decision....

  8. #8
    Sorry what? I wasn`t listening.... Feebo's Avatar
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    This is the razor I have my heart set on at the moment....

    Merkur HD Barber Pole 38C Safety Razor Chrome - £ 33.95 - free delivery available

    Of course that`s purely based on looks as I know less than nothing about DE razors lol Could anyone comment on this particular type/brand?

  9. #9
    Senior Member Shoki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feebo View Post
    This is the razor I have my heart set on at the moment....

    Merkur HD Barber Pole 38C Safety Razor Chrome - £ 33.95 - free delivery available

    Of course that`s purely based on looks as I know less than nothing about DE razors lol Could anyone comment on this particular type/brand?
    I have a 39C and a 178 from Merkur. They are heavy and well built. They give a better shave than a cartridge system and are just as easy to use.

  10. #10
    Sorry what? I wasn`t listening.... Feebo's Avatar
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    Excellent, cheers I`ve yet to find one though, that website is out of stock. Fingers crossed though, only a few weeks to go until my birthday now.....

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