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Thread: Rolls Razor

  1. #21
    Senior Member souschefdude's Avatar
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    All this talk makes me want to get mine out, wipe off the oil, and give mine a go.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordjohn View Post
    On another forum I found a sharpening method described which involved rubbing the detached blade in circles, one side then the other, on something like 1200 grit paper. I gave this a go the other day and things seemed to improve with my own blade after I later tried it. The guidance was that one had to persevere according to results and mine may need more work.
    LJ, 1200 grit sand paper seems a little rough unless you are trying to set the bevel and finish up of the RR hone. I use my norton 4k/8k to get good edge established by just pushing the blade across the hone, using the same pyramid technique commonly used on straights.

    I use the RR to strop it up, flipping the blade on the spindle half way through the 50 or so strokes. When I use the RR hone for touchups, I do the same thing. I think the 180 degree flipping gives it a more even finish as it ends up contacting both sides of the strop or hone, rather than just going back and forth on the same side. It would be similar to stropping/honing a straight both right handed and left handed, if one was ambidextrous enough to manage it. As weird as it sounds, it seems to help.

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  4. #23
    Senior Member Qatsats's Avatar
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    I've lost three auctions on ebay, bidding nearly $50 for these. I'd like to get a better deal than that. Anyone interested in selling?

  5. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qatsats View Post
    I've lost three auctions on ebay, bidding nearly $50 for these. I'd like to get a better deal than that. Anyone interested in selling?
    You should be able to get one there for $20 or so, unless you are looking for one with a fancy leather case or something. This one just ended today for $11 plus shipping: Rolls Razor self sharpening, silver case, D40 - eBay (item 120646291701 end time Nov-18-10 13:16:39 PST)

  6. #25
    Senior Member Qatsats's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OGlenn View Post
    You should be able to get one there for $20 or so, unless you are looking for one with a fancy leather case or something. This one just ended today for $11 plus shipping: Rolls Razor self sharpening, silver case, D40 - eBay (item 120646291701 end time Nov-18-10 13:16:39 PST)
    I'll just keep looking. Thanks.

  7. #26
    Senior Member NoseWarmer's Avatar
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    All this talk about Roll's... I acquired on from Scrapcan last weekend and I was in awe: (a feeling of amazement and respect mixed with fear that is often coupled with a feeling of personal insignificance or powerlessness) when he showed it to me...

    The thing is amazing... I'm sure that it needs some more honing but I'M not the man to do it.

    A few questions:

    1. The hone on mine seems to just be a very fine grit sandpaper on a cardboard backer... Could a person change this?

    2. Can the strop also be changed? Mine again is a VERY thin piece of leather with a cardboard backer... There also have been "paste" applied to the strop.

    Any help?

    The guys at the camp have become very curious about it too...

  8. #27
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    Guys I have 5 of them but my pictures were evidently too big so I can't make a thread on the ad board. I sent a couple of PM's out.
    Once one gets the blade shave ready they are just little hoots-
    Picked them up over past 5-7 years at large antique shows/weekends -
    Not making a nickel but never saw one for $11 or even $30-
    I would hone them on a stone first and maintain them with the kit-
    More trouble than a str8 to sharpen because of size but they are pretty cool little devices and for the DE guys are pretty neat.
    I will never understand their real niche from back in the day as they are not better than a str8, but for travel maybe back then it worked.


  9. #28
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    1. The hone on mine seems to just be a very fine grit sandpaper on a cardboard backer... Could a person change this?

    You can change the hone, but finding a replacement is the difficult part. Manufacturing of these razors ceased in the early 60's, so there is no supplier of replacement parts per se. You might see a NOS replacement hone on the 'bay now and then, but the bidding often exceeds the price of an entire set with a decent hone. IMO the most effective way of resolving your hone issue is to buy another one and use the one you have for parts. be sure to ask the seller if the hone is cracked, as sometimes it is hard to tell from a photo. You might find one with no handle or a badly corroded blade, but a good hone and strop so you can piece together one solid kit. One good hone can tuneup you edges for all of your kits. Also, keep in mind that to establish the bevel and the edge, the hones used for straight razors are more effective, but the rolls hone works well to maintain that edge.

    2. Can the strop also be changed? Mine again is a VERY thin piece of leather with a cardboard backer... There also have been "paste" applied to the strop.

    As for the strop, a piece of latigo leather can be trimmed and inserted in the cover, if what is there isn't doing the job. You do need to strop it in the kit - you don't necessarily need to hone it in the kit.

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  11. #29
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    I have a couple of the whole sides(different patterns single and triple column)- and the alone hones appear fine but your right about anything can be cut and slipped into a side to use as leather strop- Imagine fitting a piece of horsehide in one of them??-If I find time I will measure how think the hone stone is- ain't much can't estimate grit
    The 2 alone strops are just soft latigo. A couple of the cased units still have little instructions letters in them.
    When I get a chance I will get a camera and set it at VGA and try it one more time on the ad board then quit.

  12. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickR View Post
    I love my straights too and I nearly love my DE just as much. I would like to own a Rolls as well, just can't justify another razor.

    You can always justify another razor

    I picked one up on the bay a few weeks ago £10 including postage, not bad me thinks, came in a leather case with a spare blade.

    It's sitting in my to work on box, I may wiggle it up the pile a little


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