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  1. #1
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    Default Vintage DE Primer? (Gilette)

    Somehow i got the idea that there is a sub-forum on vintage DE razors but can't find it. Any suggestions on picking up my first vintage? Are Gilettes the ones to look for? I did an ebay search and something like 2500 DE's showed up! Ought to be able to find something there.

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    No sub forum like that.

    It's really the same as for anything else. You inspect it to make sure the parts fit right and the razor is held properly in the head. depending on what you are paying for it the metalwork will be in certain condition. You also want to work the mechanism if it's the silo type or if its adjustable. I'm not a collector so I'm sure someone else will come along who has bunches of them and will tell us more things to watch for.
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    michaelcassani (03-11-2011)

  4. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Are millions upon millions of user grade Gillettes out there for real cheap.
    I have an extensive collection,some I paid a dollor for at garage sales,flea markets,antique shops.
    Some of the rare models,cased presidents,Toggles,NOS fatboys can be very pricey
    as above they are simple devices,ck them over for function.
    On twist to opens,make sure the doors function properly,are not bent etc.
    On open combs,ck for bent teeth (even if bent has no real effect on function)
    The reality is they all shave about the same IMO.
    You can spend one dollor or 1000 dollors,they can all give a BBS shave,with the right blade.

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    michaelcassani (03-11-2011)

  6. #4
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    The SRP classifieds would be a good place to look. Lately we've seen more vintage Gillettes for sale there than usual, and our members are honest enough to not sell useless junk.

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    michaelcassani (03-11-2011)

  8. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Among Gillettes I personally like the Red Tip Super Speed which was meant for 'heavy' beards. If you feel you have a coarse beard a Red Tip or the later Fat Boy adjustable might suit you well. For a milder beard the earlier 1947 to 1954 Super Speed is really nice.

    Among modern razors the Merkur HD is praised by a lot of guys. The important thing, once you've selected your DE, is to get a blade sampler pack. Try a variety of blades to find which you like the best. You'll be surprised what a difference the blade makes regardless of the razor you are shaving with.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

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    michaelcassani (03-11-2011)

  10. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I have Gillette Tech's w/the open comb, and bar. Also the Fat boy & slim adjustable, Goodfella open comb, and Ever Ready SE. The ones that work for me the best are the Super Speed red tip and tech's w/ the bar, also the Ever Ready SE. I use Derby Extra blades that seem to keep my face happy. I would try antique shops first if you can, Ebay can get a little frustrating sometimes. I can't tell you how many raxor's I missed.........

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to Trimmy72 For This Useful Post:

    michaelcassani (03-11-2011)

  12. #7
    Let's talk Horsehair newb's Avatar
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    If your new to d/e, I would suggest a mild (most gillette's are pretty mild) older tech (fat handle or ball end) or a super speed to get your feet wet. Both styles go for the cheap on the bay. And they are almost bullet proof.

  13. The Following User Says Thank You to newb For This Useful Post:

    michaelcassani (03-11-2011)

  14. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by newb View Post
    If your new to d/e, I would suggest a mild (most gillette's are pretty mild) older tech (fat handle or ball end) or a super speed to get your feet wet. Both styles go for the cheap on the bay. And they are almost bullet proof.
    Thanks. New to DE's but have been shaving with straights for about a year now, so the hand/eye coordination, etc. is pretty good. Just thought it would be nice to change things up from time to time and have a DE when i have days where i just want a little quicker shave experience. I know i can get a NEW Edwin Jagger 89 for under $50, i think ,so was hoping to snag a bargain on the bay. I get the impression that there are "collectors" that i may be competeing against on ebay. I've heard that the Feather blades are the sharpest DE blades out there? Thanks again for the suggestions.

  15. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    Among Gillettes I personally like the Red Tip Super Speed which was meant for 'heavy' beards. If you feel you have a coarse beard a Red Tip or the later Fat Boy adjustable might suit you well. For a milder beard the earlier 1947 to 1954 Super Speed is really nice.

    Among modern razors the Merkur HD is praised by a lot of guys. The important thing, once you've selected your DE, is to get a blade sampler pack. Try a variety of blades to find which you like the best. You'll be surprised what a difference the blade makes regardless of the razor you are shaving with.
    I've heard that the Japanese Feather blades are among the sharpest but i guess #-of-shaves per blade is something to think about too?

  16. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by michaelcassani View Post
    I've heard that the Japanese Feather blades are among the sharpest but i guess #-of-shaves per blade is something to think about too?
    Feathers were/are the sharpest I've shaved with while Gillette Swedes were equally sharp but smoother IMO. Since you are an experienced straight razor shaver going for the Feathers would be fine. I don't know if you can get the Swedes anymore. Aside from one or two times I haven't shaved with a DE in a few years. You might also look at the Merkur Slant for a DE. I only recommend that because of your level of shaving experience. Tell the truth I seem to be much more subject to nicks with the DE than with the straight.
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