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  1. #1
    The Shaver kd7skx's Avatar
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    Default Toke a DE diversion

    Well it has been 3-4 months since I started in to wet shaving. My origional intent was to straight shave and started with that. Having found that there is a learning curve to a perfect straight shave I started looking into DE's after finding this site. A few guys suggested to use a DE in the mean time to clean up after the straight.

    Needless to say I fell in love with DE's just as I did with straights. So much so that I now have numerous DE's and havent actualy shaved with my straight in a while. Need to get back on the Straight Hourse before I forget how to use it.

    Just recently, the past couple weeks, I have been getting some of the best shaves in my life. To those who are just starting out, it is so worth the switch from a modern razor to a DE or straight for that matter. Thank you to all of you who have helped me on my way, and now a shaving addiction. This is just one of those things in life you can truly appreciate when you start getting in some great shaves.

    Any one else get DE sidetracked from straights, ever made it back? I like my straights, but DE's are just so much easier and faster in my mind. For an every day shaver they are great. I still use my straights, but just not to the extent of my DE.


  2. #2
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    I love DE's, too. I can get a fantastic, SR-like shave with them no problem, they just aren't as fun. Some of the more hardcore guys here seem to think it's cheating on your straight razor if you use a double or single edge once in a while, which I think is nonsense. I'll tell you though, between my straights and my DE's I'm set for life, no going back to modern razors for me (except if some unforeseen circumstances occur).

    Sometimes I just don't have time for a SR shave. My son is nearly 2, and my wife works in the evenings, so for me a DE is a handy thing to have. I guess you could say I get "sidetracked" from time to time. But I would suggest that if you are still developing your SR technique (less than at least 1 year experience) you may want to concentrate on straights more than DE, as both your stropping and shaving technique may suffer as a result. It is easier to switch from one to the other when you've been doing both for awhile.

  3. #3
    The Shaver kd7skx's Avatar
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    Ya im still under that year. I got so sidetracked and need to come back to my straights. I need to start shaving at night again when I have more time. I went back to morning shaving and that doesnt leave me with much time. I really miss the straights since I enjoy shaving with them much more.


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    schr976 (03-17-2011)

  5. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I still use DE's on a regular basis. I don't see why guys seem to have this attitude about them once they start using a straight. There's a place for everything (almost).
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  6. #5
    Senior Member LAsoxfan's Avatar
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    I recently added a DE (Merkur Classic 1904 from Lynn and his crew @ SRD) to my rotation. I like having the option of using that or one of my straights, also there's days when I want a SR-like shave, but don't have the time. The DE fits the bill very nicely. As for using a modern (ie Mach3), I still have one in my gym bag, as I just can't see stropping my Rodgers 5/8 square tip in the locker room.

  7. #6
    The Shaver kd7skx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LAsoxfan View Post
    I just can't see stropping my Rodgers 5/8 square tip in the locker room.
    I think you might gain some respect with that one. Would be funny to see there faces after getting it out.

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    schr976 (03-17-2011)

  9. #7
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    I also picked up my first DE (thanks Phil and his crew @ BullGoose) for the quicker morning shaves. Also got it cause I keep having trouble str8 shaving my neck area (specifically the carotid artery areas). Love the quality and speed of the shave, but I don't think I will be replacing my str8s anytime soon. I just love str8 razors and str8 shaving too much.

  10. #8
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default DE Diversion


    Yes, yes, the double edge is more than a diversion for me; it is part of the regular rotation. I love the straight razor, and I love the double edge. I'd call that the best of the two worlds.



  11. #9
    Senior Member Shoki's Avatar
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    Shaved today with my Father's old GEM razor. It gives a very nice shave.
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  12. #10
    Senior Member Pops!'s Avatar
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    i'm up to 6 double edge razors now and i'm quite happy.. i've been shaving with a 1959 gillette tech ball end for the last few weeks or so..

    i also plan on picking up a schick injector soon.

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