Quote Originally Posted by nun2sharp View Post
By the time you put in 20 -30 yrs in raising kids it wont be them needing the therapist.
I have four. The eldest one was near the death of me, but then he consciously chose to behave like that (and his "friends" egged him on).

For the original poster: like it's been said, there is considerable mileage there for you to play with if you choose, but if he's a full blown "entitled" instant gratification type then don't hold your breath over him learning anything that takes more than five minutes. Kids that age, and boys in particular, don't generally have fully functional brains. My psychologist friend tells me that they lose the ability for consequential thinking and patience around 12 and get it back aroiund 25. In between you can expect to see some absolutly mind bending and frustrating things. Not every kid is the same and some don't go through it at all, but most do.