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Thread: Muhle R41: Great Risks, Great Rewards!

  1. #21
    Senior Member Doryferon's Avatar
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    Muhle R41 "step on" the Merkur 11C like a tank to a wooden barricade
    This DE razor shaves better than many (not all) of old Gillettes and better than Goodfella
    I have it with a modified grip.

  2. #22
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I picked one of these up and it really is a different animal altogether. I've been using DEs for probably 15+years originally as an everyday shaver and the first time I used the Muhle I actually had a tad of irritation but the result was the closest to a straight as I have ever experienced in closeness and even 24 hours later the stubble was very close to what I would have with a straight. Now that was with a feather blade. So the watchword with this razor is is be careful and go slow and treat it like a straight.
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  3. #23
    Norton convert Blix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    I picked one of these up and it really is a different animal altogether. I've been using DEs for probably 15+years originally as an everyday shaver and the first time I used the Muhle I actually had a tad of irritation but the result was the closest to a straight as I have ever experienced in closeness and even 24 hours later the stubble was very close to what I would have with a straight. Now that was with a feather blade. So the watchword with this razor is is be careful and go slow and treat it like a straight.
    That's my experience with it as well, it should be treated like a straight, and excellent lather is crucial.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blix View Post
    That's my experience with it as well, it should be treated like a straight, and excellent lather is crucial.
    Or running water over your face going very gently. It went... Okay. I forgot my brush in the truck this weekend and decided to see what was the worst that could happen, with an asco it wasn't to bad only minor irritation, with lather the alum never stings anymore with the R41.

  5. #25
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    My R41 has given me irritation free shaves ever since I switched to a better lather building soap. I found that a steeper angle and a gentler touch produces a BBS shave every time. I was suprised how steep of an angle I required to get results though. For me, at least.

  6. #26
    Senior Member eflatminor's Avatar
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    I picked up the new R41 GRANDE today. What a beast! Took it easy and slow on the first shave with great results. FAR more aggressive than my Merkur 11C. Without going against the grain, I was able to get a very, very close shave. She's a keeper!
    eTom likes this.

  7. #27
    lernin' curve
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blix View Post
    I pretty much treat it as a straight when it comes to the shaving, you have to watch those angles, and use the lightest of touch.

    Big +1 on that.
    Great razor, very agressive...

  8. #28
    Member tboyer's Avatar
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    I recently purchased a R-41, and the first shave gave me
    two red weepers, one being fairly large. Mind you. I often
    shave with a straight and never have I cut my self to that
    extent (I was treating the R-41 as a DE instead of a straight)
    I'm not certain about my feelings in-regard to the R-41, because
    the blade seems to flex more than with a straight, even a
    full hollow. As it stands now I have to be more careful
    shaving with the R-41, than with a straight do to the
    blade flex. I've only have shaved with it twice, and will
    have a go tomorrow. I suspect that having a good prep
    with a good lather will be important with the R-41, just
    as it is with a straight.

  9. #29
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboyer View Post
    I recently purchased a R-41, and the first shave gave me
    two red weepers, one being fairly large. Mind you. I often
    shave with a straight and never have I cut my self to that
    extent (I was treating the R-41 as a DE instead of a straight)
    I'm not certain about my feelings in-regard to the R-41, because
    the blade seems to flex more than with a straight, even a
    full hollow. As it stands now I have to be more careful
    shaving with the R-41, than with a straight do to the
    blade flex. I've only have shaved with it twice, and will
    have a go tomorrow. I suspect that having a good prep
    with a good lather will be important with the R-41, just
    as it is with a straight.
    You are in the same boat I was in it. The problem is most guys treat it as a standard DE and then they are unhappy with it and after a few attempts either put it away or sell it. if you take the time to properly learn how to use it (just like a straight) you will be rewarded with super great shaves.
    eTom likes this.
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  10. #30
    "The Chairman" olblueyez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    That review makes me glad I got the R89, it sounds scary! Well done, though, it sounds like I felt on my first SR shave...
    You should look for the old model R41, as far as I'm concearned its the perfect DE. To bad Muhle and Merkur stopped making that head.
    "Orange is the Happiest Color" ~ Frank Sinatra

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