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Thread: Merkur Slant vs Mühle R41

  1. #11
    Junior Member bestshave4me's Avatar
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    I have the R41 open comb and i thing its wonderfull for my coarse roght beard, i have been shaving often with it 2-3 time a during the days that i'm not practising on my straight razors

    its a beautifull razor and i thing the finish an quality is way nicer than the Merkur slant bar which i also have
    Though like mentined in this thread the Sland bar does shave nicely as it slices the wiskers easier.

    but i prefer the R41 as i feels like shaving with a straight razor. Also it is a DE razor that i can use and get away with just one pass if i'm in a hurry on workdays

    i have been looking at the grande version and probably will buy it just to feel the difference.

    One not is that this Razor is very light compared to feg Edving jagger D89, and alike metal razors.

    But in my opinion the lightness gives the R41 an advantage as it gives you a good feeling of the razor, like extension of your hand.

    i tried putting my Edving jagger Chatsborth barly handle on it ( its made of chromed solid brass) and that totally messed up the feeling on the R41. So went back to the original handle.

    Here are some specs:

    Muhle R41 Open Comb
    - L: 107 mm
    - B: 53 mm
    - Diameter of handle 12 mm
    - Weight 62 grams

    Muhle R41 Grande
    - L: 107 mm
    - B: 53 mm
    - Diameter of Handle: 14 mm
    - 80 grams

    As for blades i prefer Feather for my beard , but that just my Personal favorite ; )

    i've included some pictures for reference, for my R41 i got the nice metal box which i like allot

    also look at Gefatboys review and his 5 minute shave videos showing how well it shaves if you are in a daily routine where you need some speed results

    all in all i thing this is my best DE shaver as its the most effective ; ) but i might find another along the road on my quest for the BestShave4me ; )

    good luck with your choice


    5 Minute Safety Razor Shave From Lather To Rinse "Get In, Get Done, Get Out Quickly!" - YouTube

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  • #12
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    I don't have the R41, but I did recently acquire a Merkur 37C Slant which I have yet to try. Wish me luck lol...

  • #13
    Senior Member zappbrannigan's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the replies guys, I value everyone's opinions (I think we all do, which is why we're here). For now, I've stuck with the Merkur Slant (mainly due to budget). I tried a bunch of blades and settled on (no surprise here) the Feathers. They give me the best, most comfortable shave.

    One thing to mention is that, especially over time, I really appreciate the weight of the Merkur. As MinATX said, right now I'm not so sure I'd dig a lighter safety razor, since both of the ones I tried were decently hefty. R41 is still, of course, on the wishlist though.

    Ryan I think you'll be fine if you're used to straights. The only thing to be conscious of is the angle and pressure, otherwise you may get a bit of razor burn. Nothing you don't know already but with the relative ease of using a safety razor, one tends to forget such details.

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  • #14
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    i really want to try an r41 one of these days...maby then I can have some input on them lol

  • #15
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    People are very opinionated about the R41 and many are quick to sell it after a few uses. I think folks don't realize it's kind of a straight in DE clothing and don't appreciate how it has to be treated. I've found if you treat it with respect meaning more like a straight than a DE you can get better shaves than with any other DE and coming frighteningly close to what you get with a straight.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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  • #16
    Senior Member zappbrannigan's Avatar
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    This is why I must have one! haha

  • #17
    Junior Member JohnnyDemonic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    People are very opinionated about the R41 and many are quick to sell it after a few uses. I think folks don't realize it's kind of a straight in DE clothing and don't appreciate how it has to be treated. I've found if you treat it with respect meaning more like a straight than a DE you can get better shaves than with any other DE and coming frighteningly close to what you get with a straight.
    People are very opinionated about all razors, not just the R41. I used my R41 for a month before choosing to put it away for good.

    @ OP, If you want to try the R41 send me a PM and I'll mail it to you. If you like it, maybe we could work out a trade or something. This a razor you really should try before you buy. Mine's in the box, very clean, no scratches etc...

    Here are some fotos of it.

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  • #18
    Junior Member JohnnyDemonic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bestshave4me View Post
    I love that case, I tried to find one only to find out they were no longer made.

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