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Thread: Merkur Slant vs Mühle R41

  1. #1
    Senior Member zappbrannigan's Avatar
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    Default Merkur Slant vs Mühle R41

    I've been traveling a lot for work lately and, despite my efforts, it's just too much of a hassle to take straight razors along with me. So I thought a good alternative would be a safety razor, and I went down to a local antique store and grabbed one of those old Gilette 3-piece open combs. I used it for about a month and I liked it a lot, it's a nice little razor and it delivers a pretty decent shave. But it was pretty old and dingy, and had some cracks in the handle, so I decided to pass it on to my little brother (he loves it) and get myself a new one.

    I went with a Merkur Slant because I have a very thick, coarse beard, and got some Feather blades to go along with it. I've used it a few times now, and it's a pretty nice razor, it's been giving me ok shaves. I did find it to be relatively tame though, and I was expecting something a bit more... aggressive.

    So I'm wondering if maybe a Mühle R41 would be a better choice for me. Has anyone used both and can give a comparison?

  2. #2
    Norton convert Blix's Avatar
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    The slant is a puring little kitten compared to the R41, I have both.
    The R41 can be demanding, you need perfect slick lather and a light touch. But done right it's an exceptional DE.

  3. #3
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    Oo the R41 is a monster! I don't mind the 37C but the Muhle was used once and put away it's evil IMO!

  4. #4
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    I've got both, and use them with Feather blades. I prefer the Merkur because it's smoother and heavier (weight). The Muhle leaves the blade exposed a bit more than the Merkur, but I've never cut or scraped myself with it. I don't like to shave ATG with it, as I find it less comfortable than the Merkur, however the Muhle will give you the best WTG shave ever.
    I think the decision is more personal preference. The Muhle looks nicer, but is so light it almost feels like a toy. The Merkur's heft helps me control it better, but it's not as stylish looking.

  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I have the R41 and to tell you the truth I find I have to be so careful with it I might as well use a straight instead. But for a DE the shave is exceptional.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  6. #6
    Senior Member whavens's Avatar
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    I use an R41 on a regular basis with Feather blades. Pay attention to what you are doing and it is a fantastic shaver. I use it for four passes and it gives me exceptional shaves. After some shaves I don't feel I have enough beard the next morning to use it, so I use either a Gillette NEW long comb of a Gillette Big Fellow.

  7. #7
    Snicker Snack
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    I've used them both -

    I didn't really care for the new R41. It didn't hit the sweet spot for me.

    I do like the Merkur Slant - paired with a Feather, it is an excellent razor. However, I currently prefer a Fasan OC slant - light, so it takes some time to get used to, but it gives me an excellent shave.

  8. #8
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    If you want a safety razor that comes close to the performance of a straight, buy the Cobra Classic. Straight razor blade set in a SE frame.I have a new R41 sitting it its box because it's a POS compared to my slant. A Merkur Futur would be my second recommendation. Great razor, but I still prefer a slant because of how smooth they are. Slicing hairs is so much nicer than chopping them.

  9. #9
    Junior Member Destutt's Avatar
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    hi i have both.slant is for the every day. the r41 for once upon a time because it's the most aggressive razor.I've ever tried...

    Destutt de Tracy

  10. #10
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    There is a new version at the Muehle website:
    Muehle wrote:
    "The GRANDE version features a longer and wider handle than the original version."

    I have no problem with the original version, but I was told, the version "Grande" works very well.

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