Interesting and thought-provoking post!

I think you've 'curated' the very best of efficient modern technology with a traditional feel.

I'm a huge fan of Feather blades-I've shaved with their DE blades since they were released into the US market as well as the Artist Club in SE razors (also the FHS for the OneBlade). Phenomenal blades.

A synthetic brush? As much as I hate to admit it, the modern ones can just conquer any soap no matter how finicky.

And a good cream is a joy.

Having said all of that, there are so many ways to enjoy this hobby. I sometimes LIKE the challenge of a dense badger brush and a triple-milled soap. I think it's very cool that I shaved this morning with a blade that was in use during Civil War times. I've come to enjoy the various rituals like stropping. I enjoy the challenge of honing, although I've only begun acquiring skills in that area.

All of that takes time and attention, of course-luxuries in this day and age. Great fun, too.

You've winnowed it down to gear that takes little to no maintenance (synthetics dry so quickly, no honing or stropping of a Feather AC, etc.) while keeping the aesthetic, if you will, of a traditional straight razor shave. Very cool merging of the old and new.