Lots of post to this question I hope it helps. This may to. I found Poraso Pre/Post helps the face heal. If your razor is sharp, it sounds like you should pay attention to your beard growth. It may take a few shaves but find out which direction the razor cuts the beard best. Then find out which angle of the razor cuts the beard with the greatest amount of comfort. Don't go for the gold all at one time. Go with a less than perfect shave so you don't kill your face until your technique is down.

I have a tough beard and sensitive skin, so my prep is important to a good shave.

Conditioner in the shower, you also may want to try a preshave. Two that I know work is Trufit & Hill Preshave Oil and Taylors of Old Bond, Preshave Gel. The Taylors is exceptional.

Let the products do they're job and soften your beard. I would start with a flat razor, and come up in angle a little at a time until you hit the sweet spot.

Go back to the basics, and go slow,