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Thread: Is this statement correct?

  1. #21
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I just removed 3 months of beard growth with one pass it was an epic mess, but I still had good results.
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  2. #22
    Resident Rookie Glory's Avatar
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    Like a smooth "as a baby's butt" in one pass, or this may pass inspection for roll call clean?
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  3. #23
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Only a very dull razor will be capable of removing all of your hair - ouch!
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  4. #24
    King of the Shorties Aldwyn's Avatar
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    My neck has yet to have all the hair removed in one pass.

    But then again, I only do XTG on my neck because of the east to west hair growth, and not being able to comfortably shave across my neck. So that may have something to do with it.
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  5. #25
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    I feel like, at this point, I can get a "decent" but not quite CCS shave in one pass as long as it is only 24 hrs of growth. More than that, 2 passes gets me to CCS or BBS depending on the time and attention to detail I give it (I have now become more aware of my trouble spots and can get to them readily and get a great result). I rarely if ever take a third pass unless it is a special occasion since I have extremely sensitive skin. If I take 2 razors, freshly stropped, and make 1 pass each (or strop between passes), it makes for an incredible shave in 2 passes. So much so, in fact, that a 3rd pass is a waste of time for me. I don't often take this approach, but for those very special occasions it means less time in front of the sink to get ready.

  6. #26
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Side consideration on one pass shaves - I've done (like I mentioned here earlier) single pass shaves with a fair amount of blade buffing. Actually, I did that for a little while several years ago, I think I was trying to save time.

    I don't think it actually saved any time. If the first pass is just bulk removal and preparation for the second, you can do it very fast. like a minute or less for the whole face, and no need for pressure or risk of generating big weepers (which is something you're going to do it you're trying to yank a razor across your skin in one single pass and get close).

    If time is the issue for this mystical super sharp one pass shave, time yourself with a one and two pass shave, where you do the first pass of the two pass shave as fast as you reasonably can. The two pass shave is going to produce a comfortable result every day, the one-pass shave for me (even with blade buffing) always felt like fiddling....wiping foam off of the back side of the razor back on to a spot that needed more, etc. That never happens with two passes.
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  7. #27
    Tradesman s0litarys0ldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    I would say 'maybe' depending on the razor, and on the hand of the user. I frequently do one pass and call it good. Could it be better ? Well, yes no doubt. The thing is I don't try to get bbs with the one pass, just acceptable. If I were to try I'd run the definite risk of irritation I think. YMMV.

    The Multiple Pass Shaving Technique - Straight Razor Place Library
    +1 to that. It might cut all the hairs, they won't be BBS though. If you were in a rush a one pass can do the trick. The other two passes in my opinion are just to cut the hair shorter and make the face smoother.
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  8. #28
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by S0LITARYS0LDIER View Post
    +1 to that. It might cut all the hairs, they won't be BBS though. If you were in a rush a one pass can do the trick. The other two passes in my opinion are just to cut the hair shorter and make the face smoother.
    That is why I feel the statement is false or at the very least misleading especially to beginners. As a beginner there is nothing like trying to get a finished shave in one pass, it can be a painful experience. Shaving is stubble reduction in stages. OTH at what stage you personally consider it good enough and done is another thing all together.

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  9. #29
    Senior Member Chinaski's Avatar
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    A shave ready razor is capable of cutting all hairs with one pass, but how close? Closeness depends on the facial contour and whiskers and how the whiskers are placed on the skin. I mean some whiskers are really horizontal(lies flat) and very very close to the skin level, some are little vertical(with some angle) from the surface of the skin(I hope I explained myself correctly). If you want a BBS and you have tough beard you need to do additional XTG/ATG passes in my opinion.
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  10. #30
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aldwyn View Post
    My neck has yet to have all the hair removed in one pass.

    But then again, I only do XTG on my neck because of the east to west hair growth, and not being able to comfortably shave across my neck. So that may have something to do with it.
    I have the same issue on my neck. The left side grows horizontally to my neck while the right grows more or less north - south.
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