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Thread: Really messed up my razor

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a Swaty CAN be used to set a bevel and then make a razor sharp. The obvious caveat is that you have to know what you are doing with it. If you do not fall into this category, then it would be best to send it to someone with more hones and more experience to fix it.

    It CAN get sorted out if you get help with it.
    Sure it can,,, it's an abrasive verses steel,,,, I'm just curious where some of these ideas come from ?
    There is a whole library of contributed knowledge on honing.

  2. #12
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    I'm just curious where some of these ideas come from ?
    This idea came from personal experience.

    The first razors I owned and honed, several years before finding SRP, were honed on Swaty and a Carborundum 102. I did not know that I could use much pressure so each razor took a couple of hours and multiple attempts to get something resembling a shaveable razor.

    A couple of years ago I decided to revisit full honing on just a Swaty. This time, with more honing experience, I used much more pressure during the bevel set. There is a reason why barber hone users are told to do only a few light strokes. That reason is the grit of a barber hone is not all that fine. With pressure and more strokes, a barber hone can be fairly aggressive for steel removal. By setting the bevel with pressure and then gradually reducing that pressure, I found that a standard full hollow razor can be honed from bevel set to finish in about 10 minutes.

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  4. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    This idea came from personal experience.

    The first razors I owned and honed, several years before finding SRP, were honed on Swaty and a Carborundum 102. I did not know that I could use much pressure so each razor took a couple of hours and multiple attempts to get something resembling a shaveable razor.

    A couple of years ago I decided to revisit full honing on just a Swaty. This time, with more honing experience, I used much more pressure during the bevel set. There is a reason why barber hone users are told to do only a few light strokes. That reason is the grit of a barber hone is not all that fine. With pressure and more strokes, a barber hone can be fairly aggressive for steel removal. By setting the bevel with pressure and then gradually reducing that pressure, I found that a standard full hollow razor can be honed from bevel set to finish in about 10 minutes.
    Sorry Ron,,, I was not referring to your experience when I asked the question, "I'm just curious where some of these ideas come from ?"

    I was directing the question to the O.P & I was not direct or clear,,, My Bad,,, as the kids say these days.

    I asked it hoping for some enlightenment on how the O.P. decided on stroking a Swaty 120 times. There is no reference to this approach here in SRP that I am aware of,,, and the Library has been constructed to teach beginners honing, in methods that can easily be followed & produce good results.
    Wolfpack34 likes this.

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    Utopian (05-12-2015)

  6. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Ummm did anybody help the guy out ?
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  7. #15
    Junior Member Noogee's Avatar
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    For me personally, if I went to a forum and asked a question and I was given a "dumbass award" for asking... I'd never come back to that forum.

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    txskimo (05-13-2015)

  9. #16
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    Hey guys,

    Sorry for the radio silence, cudarunner very generously offered to hone up my razor as well as lap my hone just paying for postage, which I very happily accepted. I'm amazed by the generosity I've seen and experienced on this forum!


  10. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noogee View Post
    For me personally, if I went to a forum and asked a question and I was given a "dumbass award" for asking... I'd never come back to that forum.
    It was done in jest I'm sure,,, the O.P. had a mentor on his case right away with a free hone & lap, for postage only. This type of service is common here on SRP,,,, a damn fine group we are.

    You have posted "2" times in 2 years,,,will we hear from you again ,,,next year ???
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  11. #18
    Junior Member Noogee's Avatar
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    The nice treatment that the op got has nothing to do with the rudeness of a "dumbass award". Now you are making fun of me for 2 posts in 2 years? Not an especially inviting place as I see it. Keep telling yourself what a fine group you are, but think about how some of the joking might be taken by folks that aren't part of the club.

  12. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noogee View Post
    The nice treatment that the op got has nothing to do with the rudeness of a "dumbass award". Now you are making fun of me for 2 posts in 2 years? Not an especially inviting place as I see it. Keep telling yourself what a fine group you are, but think about how some of the joking might be taken by folks that aren't part of the club.
    Ahhh,,, but it does have to do with the character of the forum that you belong to,,,when a new member can sign on & find the kind of assistance that mattmaybloom found from someone he has never met & someone who can be trusted,,, well it speaks to the fine Club that you are a member of,,,

    If the O.P found something wrong with post # 6, he can PM anyone of us, including the member who created it & changes will be made.

    The post was made in jest & your attempt to create a problem, is unwelcome.
    Phrank likes this.

  13. #20
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    Ahhh,,, but it does have to do with the character of the forum that you belong to,,,when a new member can sign on & find the kind of assistance that mattmaybloom found from someone he has never met & someone who can be trusted,,, well it speaks to the fine Club that you are a member of,,,

    If the O.P found something wrong with post # 6, he can PM anyone of us, including the member who created it & changes will be made.

    The post was made in jest & your attempt to create a problem, is unwelcome.
    Agreed - I mean sheesh, I've been here for almost two years and everyone still puts up with me....

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