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Thread: Really messed up my razor

  1. #21
    Senior Member ChopperDave's Avatar
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    I've received many of the afore mentioned awards. I receive them all with grace and humility. YMMV

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    Smarter than I look or, not as dumb as I look. Whichever you prefer.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noogee View Post
    The nice treatment that the op got has nothing to do with the rudeness of a "dumbass award". Now you are making fun of me for 2 posts in 2 years? Not an especially inviting place as I see it. Keep telling yourself what a fine group you are, but think about how some of the joking might be taken by folks that aren't part of the club.
    OK guys, I think I let this go on a bit too long.

    Noogee, If my silence gave you the impression that I took offence, then i'm sorry I mislead you (I appreciate the support though). I thought I would let the guys have there fun at my "rookie mistake" because i knew (or hoped) it was all in good fun.

    I also was not going to justify why i made the mistake in the first place which was implied in an earlier post, I felt stupid enough. I made the mistake, simply because I didn't know any better.

    This is an amazing forum, I've learned quite alot (although I obviously have a ways to go) and the generosity by many of the members here is astounding, I recieved 3 pms from guys I've never met, offering to help me out for free, which is unbelieveable!

    anyway, i've ranted long enough
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  4. #23
    Senior Member Mephisto's Avatar
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    I have deserved several dumbass awards since posting on SRP, well, maybe several dozen.
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  5. #24
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Matt, most if not all of us have made stupid mistakes. I appreciate that you admitted yours and described how you tried to correct it. If a Swaty is all you have, then your use of the Swaty was the obvious tool to use. Your corrective measures were no mistake in my opinion.

    Any mocking in this thread was good natured in my opinion and I hope that you continue to participate here.
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  6. #25
    pcm is offline
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    I dinged my first blade early on. I tried to hone it, but took a ton of strokes and it still was so, so. Fortunately, it was a new razor from SRD with a free hone, so, after using other razors, I finally sent it in for a hone.

    I now wipe the blade with a damp wash cloth that I use during shaving, and keep it clear of the faucet. In the future, I plan on learning to hone, so I can maintain the blades better.

    So, like the op, I too have encountered a similar dumb mistake. I'm glad you've got it squared away and were. Able to get some help with the blade. There is so much to learn, and there are some great folks here to help guide you.


  7. #26
    Senior Member Scareface's Avatar
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    Some people get their panties in a wad don't they!

    Hey OP, the comment "I only jest" meant just that! Love Ya man.
    Glad you didn't take it serious. We ALL are going to do stupid things even after 10 years of wet shaving and if we can't laugh about it then we need to get a life.
    This is all about fun.
    And 95% of the guys on here have a good time.

    So, SORRY, people if I had too much fun. It wasn't to belittle dinging up a razor or if someone was in morning for the loss of a treasured heirloom.
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  8. #27
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noogee View Post
    For me personally, if I went to a forum and asked a question and I was given a "dumbass award" for asking... I'd never come back to that forum.
    Noogee buddy, your making me feel self conscious about the IQ my butt has :<0)
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  9. #28
    Truth is weirder than any fiction.. Grazor's Avatar
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    Noogee, that comment was made by someone relatively new here. Everyone makes mistakes, be it ding your razor or not think before you post a comment. In general you can't find a more helpful bunch than around here.
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  11. #29
    Not with my razor 🚫 SirStropalot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattmaybloom View Post
    I also was not going to justify why i made the mistake in the first place which was implied in an earlier post, I felt stupid enough. I made the mistake, simply because I didn't know any better.
    Matt, I don't think it was a mistake, and definitely not stupid. When acting on things in a reasonable manner and with a tool that could, maybe not perfectly, achieve the desired goal.....well, that's initiative and learning.

    A "mistake" and "stupid" is to get discouraged, mad, and quit because it didn't go the way you wanted. If initiative and experimenting are "stupid" and "mistakes", then welcome to the forum of fools! All of us have tried, and learned!!

    Best Regards,

    Hirlau and Grazor like this.

  12. #30
    Senior Member Crackers's Avatar
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    Here in Australia the amount you get harassed is directly proportionate to how much people like you. If people are cordial to you then alarm bells should be ringing if they hassle the bijisus out of you then you know they like you. Funny world aint it?
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    A good lather is half the shave.

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    Utopian (05-13-2015)

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