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Thread: make straight razor safer

  1. #1
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    Default make straight razor safer

    For me shaving with a straight razor seems to be too dangerous because sometimes I have to do that in a hurry and there are people running around who may push unexpectedly. In such a case cuts are unavoidable. On the other hand the idea of using it seems worthwhile as it would allow to save money spent on disposable razors. Is there any way of making this device safer, such as stropping it to half or less of its length or installing some safety guard and make it like a safe razor so there would be no possibility of cutting yourself in case of a sudden movement?

  2. #2
    Shave This Hart's Avatar
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    You can get Pro Guard blades for Feather shavette razors. It's a little wire barrier on the edge of the blade and it's supposed to be like using a safety razor. Or just use a safety razor. I can get as good a shave with one as with a straight.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth tintin's Avatar
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    most of us would disagree about saving money ( unless you can avoid the temptation to buy more soaps, brushes, strops or razors). if you can't find the time to do it in a relaxed mode without distractions maybe a DE (double edge razor) would be your next choice, at least in those times when in a hurry or distracted. with practice speed will develop with a straight.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    There were straight razors with guards as far as I know, but to remedy your issues I would shave when I wasn't in a rush perhaps in the evening and do so behind a locked bathroom door (contingent on you being the sole occupant)
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  6. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    No, but on the other hand I can shave in 5 minutes if I want and I don't cut myself ,, you know if your already afraid , you defeating yourself , it's no different than anything else in this world , mpractice makes perfect and no one should be shoving around on you while your shaving . Try a DE but they will reach out and cut you also. Tc
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  7. #6
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    Ya, if you're looking to save money and be safe at the same time, IMO a straight isn't the right choice for you, but a DE might be. Also,your shave time should be alone & uninterrupted.
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  9. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sean326 View Post
    For me shaving with a straight razor seems to be too dangerous because sometimes I have to do that in a hurry and there are people running around who may push unexpectedly. In such a case cuts are unavoidable. On the other hand the idea of using it seems worthwhile as it would allow to save money spent on disposable razors. Is there any way of making this device safer, such as stropping it to half or less of its length or installing some safety guard and make it like a safe razor so there would be no possibility of cutting yourself in case of a sudden movement?
    Welcome aboard Sean,,
    Double Edge Safety Razors are your best bet,,, here is the section you can review in your spare time. They cut too,,,
    Shaving with Safety Razors
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  10. #8
    Senior Member daverojo77's Avatar
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    Hello, I think if you're getting into wet shaving altogether you should set aside time for it.
    It's the whole point, even if your DE shaving you can still cut yourself if you go too fast.
    This is mainly a hobby so wake up a bit earlier, lather up and shave nice and slow.
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  11. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I shave in the evening to avoid rushing my glorious shaves. I have gotten some dandy shaving cuts, but non of them from straight razor. The worst was from a loose blade in a mach 3, followed by a DE. I rarely shave with a DE because they scare the pants off of me. Which goes with what TC was saying. I am afraid so I cut myself.
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  12. #10
    Senior Member Drygulch's Avatar
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    DE razors might be better, but like others have said they can still bite. The Feather Pro-Gaurd blades for thier shavettes have wires on them to slow down the cuts, but they they will absolutely slice you up if you don't pay attention with them.

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