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Thread: Left Jaw Line

  1. #1
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    Default Left Jaw Line

    This my weak spot. Any suggestions on this area? Btw, I'm right handed.

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Unless it's a facility issue with the razor stretching is what I need to do with my right jawline and I'm left handed though I use both hands for shaving. I usually stretch north as I come along the jaw.
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  3. #3
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    First pass is XTG for me here, it is straight down and I use my left hand for shaving and my right hand over my head to stretch the skin up.
    For the next pass I switch hands, left hand to pull the skin up as far as I can while turning my face to the right and do an ATG pass from my earlobe to my chin using my right hand to hold the razor. This gets the jawline skin up on the flat part of my lower cheek.

    As this is my most difficult spot to shave I then do an ATG pass on my lower neck and jawline, pulling the skin down and back with my left hand and shaving from just below my ear to the center (Adams Apple) using my right hand.
    This was the most difficult stroke I had to learn, I didn't even attempt it till I had about 30 shaves in.
    Using this stroke and a couple of touch ups on a small hollow on this side of my neck yields me a BBS shave on the left side.

  4. #4
    Senior Member jfk742's Avatar
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    I'm a lefty and had a little trouble with my right side jaw line. My beard there runs in line with my jaw nose to ear. If I stretch my skin up i still will have a strip of stubble on my jaw. I found if I turn my head up and over my left shoulders then with my left hand do an ear to nose pass in line with my jaw but lead with the heal, looks similar to a honing x stroke, gets bbs every time. I almost keep the spine flat against my face with a long confident stroke, anything else and I'll nick myself due to the small amount of contact between the blade and face.

  5. #5
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    My comfort level just isn't there yet. I just keep going slow. Thanks for the tips.

  6. #6
    Senior Member cubancigar2000's Avatar
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    the comfort level will come
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  7. #7
    Senior Member jfk742's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cubancigar2000 View Post
    the comfort level will come
    Continue trudging along, every shave for about the first 50 shaves I learned something new and eye opening. The biggest help is reading all I can from the people who have experience around here and trying new things. The epiphanies will happen often and unexpectedly, and there's always more to learn and experience. Pretty much the ideal hobby.

  8. #8
    Member jarle's Avatar
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    I struggled with the same area, and found some useful suggestions in this thread :
    east west neck hair

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    I,m about 600 shaves in and I,m still learning , as your learning stay with the simple stuff first. Then when your comfort level increases you will find different angles of attack and varying stretching techniques ,, I had to adjust because of only one eye ,Mobutu sometimes you just come up with your own system, tc
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by jfk742 View Post
    Continue trudging along, every shave for about the first 50 shaves I learned something new and eye opening. The biggest help is reading all I can from the people who have experience around here and trying new things. The epiphanies will happen often and unexpectedly, and there's always more to learn and experience. Pretty much the ideal hobby.
    I've got along way to 50. Just fInished #7. Gaining confidence each day.

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