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Thread: Recommendation needed

  1. #1
    Junior Member FirstCut's Avatar
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    Default Recommendation needed

    I am new to straight razor shaving, haven't yet done it, but am going that direction.
    That being said I need a recommendation on what brand, type of straight razor I should be looking at to purchase.
    I've been looking through the forum and would appreciate any advice on this subject. I already made the rookie mistake of buying a useless RSO off Ebay so I'm good on paperweights.

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The usual recommendation is start out middle of the road either 5/8s or 6/8s. personally I prefer full hollow grind as it gives feedback but some prefer part hollow for the solid feel. You didn't say if you want new or vintage. If new check out our retailers like SRD. They sell only quality stuff. If you want vintage check out our classifieds for some also quality razors. Make sure what you get is truly shave ready. Stay away from Eboy until you know something about razors.
    rhensley and Razorfaust like this.
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    FirstCut (06-03-2015)

  4. #3
    Senior Member LexTac's Avatar
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    Here is some good info for you.

    Here is a link to the SRP Beginners Guide to Straight Shaving. This will help you with the things you need to know before you begin your experience with a straight razor.

    Here is a link to the SRP Library. This will help you with pretty much anything relating to shaving with a straight razor.

    Here is a link that will help you find other SRP members in your area, just insert your location and hit search now. Note that the user name listing in red is a mentor, if you should need any personal help.

    Good luck with your search for a razor.
    artp47 likes this.

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to LexTac For This Useful Post:

    FirstCut (06-03-2015)

  6. #4
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    I think I heard that one will be less likely to cut self with a half hollow..

  7. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Why would that bee?
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  8. #6
    Senior Member criswilson10's Avatar
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    The half hollow doesn't flex like a full hollow or the extra hollows. If the razor flexes, you bleed.
    So you are less likely to cut yourself with a half hollow than a full hollow and definitely less likely than using an extra hollow.

    Back to the OPs question, I second Razorfaust's suggestion. Get an SRD starter kit and you will get a good, shave ready razor and good strop. Start out the right way.
    Razorfaust likes this.
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  9. #7
    Senior Member Razorfaust's Avatar
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    Ahh yes but what better training wheels to have than a blade that teaches you good angle. Hollows bite only if angle is too perpendicular. Keep it low and slow as they say. I do find full and extra hollows might flex a little especially once you get over 6/8 and higher widths not so much with 5/8. I think the OP will be fine couple shaves in.
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  10. #8
    Senior Member Razorfaust's Avatar
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    Oh and Firstcut dont worry about that red deer so much it will make a handy box cutter when you get your razor delivered.
    Don't drink and shave!

  11. #9
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfaust View Post
    Ahh yes but what better training wheels to have than a blade that teaches you good angle. Hollows bite only if angle is too perpendicular. Keep it low and slow as they say. I do find full and extra hollows might flex a little especially once you get over 6/8 and higher widths not so much with 5/8. I think the OP will be fine couple shaves in.
    The only problem is when some one new is just learning the cuts might be discouraging. A stiffer blade may leave a little razor burn but no blood. Once the learning curve has run it's course the full hollow and extra hollow would be fine. At least that's how it was with me. I started yrs. ago with full hollow and gave up many times. A friend suggested a heaver blade and I started learning without bleeding. now I use any grind and point. just my thoughts on the subject.

  12. #10
    Senior Member Razorfaust's Avatar
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    I hear what your saying rhensley. I just dont think the Ralf Aust 5/8 round point has any such difficulty associated with it. I still think its a perfect razor for a first go. Its solid easy to handle takes a great edge and is low maintenance in my book compared to other razors I have used Thiers Issard comes to mind. Well 1/2 hollow may be worth looking into if the OP feels this might be an issue, Im sure it will work out for you either way.
    Don't drink and shave!

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