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Thread: Single shave, Multiple razors

  1. #1
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    Default Single shave, Multiple razors

    Something I have been realizing is that different razors have different strengths. In particular, I have noticed that, while my 13/16 1/2 hollow seems to do a better job going WTG, I've never been happy with the results going ATG; my whiskers grow pretty flat against my face, and I just never am able to really get under them.

    Conversely, with my 11/16 full Hollow shorty, going WTG, the more flexible blade catches a lot on my whiskers. BUT, going ATG, I can do this thing where I lay the blade, spine and all, flat against my face, and it just gets right under the those buggers and takes them off super clean. Also, the fact that it's short means I can get to some spots easier than with a longer blade.

    So, the last few days I have been experimenting with using the 1/2 hollow on the WTG, and the full hollow ATG, and have been super happy with the results; super smooth, minimal irritation, and actually a less time consuming than just using one razor because I'm playing to each razors strengths (also, because each razor gets less use, I find I don't need To strop either one as much).

    Does anyone else do something like this?
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  2. #2
    Greenhorn WildWest74's Avatar
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    I think it's awesome that you found a method that works for you! I never even considered trying different razors based on their strengths. Even though I know each razor's personality, I guess I always looked at it as trying to get the best shave out of the razor I chose for the day.

    Really awesome idea, one that I may incorporate into my routine!
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    I often incorporate 3 or 4 razors into a shave just testing fresh hone or touch up jobs.
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  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Ever see a professional barber shave someone? You'll never see him change razors mid shave. The same few razors (usually 5/8s and 6/8s hollow grinds) shave everyone who comes into the shop whether it's a guy with wire whiskers or peach-fuzz. That's the way it's always been. You should be able to get a great shave with any razor without having to customize the shave with differing grinds or sizes.

    If you see a difference it's either because you are wielding each razor differently or they are not up to snuff or something you are doing or not doing. Of course if you just like to change that's a different story.

    Personally I use one razor from start to finish unless like scouthiker I'm testing a hone job.
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  5. #5
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    Seems like i always use at least 2 razors. Testing blades or just in to much of a hurry and using my straight for my cheeks and neck and my birthyear gillette slim on my chin, because i don't need another cut there. It is more the rule anymore that i have a couple different razors ready when I shave.
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  6. #6
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    I hear what you're saying, at the same time though, I've never been a believer In the "this is the way things have always been done, and therefore it is the best way for everyone all the time" approach to things.

    the multiple razor thing for me came out of the woodworking I do, Particularly smoothing out cello and violin fingerboards; one uses a small hand plainer to get out the big bumps, then a scraper to get the little ripples out, and then a sanding block as a finisher. You probably could use the scraper or the plainer to do everything, but it would be a lot harder/take way more time. Each tool has things it does well, and then things it doesn't do as well. Sure, it would be cool to be able to say that I could do the whole thing with a scraper, but I'm a big fan of working smarter, not harder.

    Not saying it's the best approach for everyone, just that, in this early stage of developing the idea, the results seem promising.

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FoliageFace View Post
    Something I have been realizing is that different razors have different strengths.
    Does anyone else do something like this?
    I call my multiple razor shaves "presidential" shaves.
    It is not uncommon for major legislation to be signed with ten or twenty
    souvenir pens that are then handed to the celeb's in the room.

    I do not hand my razors out but it is easy to touch up a pair
    of razors and then put a third known good razor on deck should I dislike
    one of the freshly honed razors.

    And yes a small razor works under the nose well and a BIG one is so
    smooth on the big areas... Nimble but sharp for the chin...

    Some, beginners could keep a tossable razor handy for those days when
    the coffee was too strong or last night too unsettled.

    There are days when half way through a shave a blade seems to need
    a visit to the strop. That too. Mostly that works because I lather,
    strop, then shave (improved Latherin).

  8. #8
    32t is online now
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    I see your point and have tried similar but decided that for me it wasn't worth the bother of maintaining and cleaning of more than one per day.

    Unless I am experimenting or testing more than one.
    BobH and FoliageFace like this.

  9. #9
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    when I started off using a straight razor I struggled around the chin part and was "cheating" by using a safety razor. No need for it anymore fortunately
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  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I do not see much difference in the shaves I get between different grinds but whatever works for you is the way to go.

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