Quote Originally Posted by AnglesMatter View Post
I am SR shaving every three days........I think the subject of "how fast one's beard grows" is too subjective for any objective discussion. If one was so inclined though, that would be an interesting study, perhaps for a intro level college science course. *I didn't shave until college so I couldn't have done such an experiment in high school.

"Comparing facial hair growth rates across shaving techniques." It would certainly be different....

Theoman, I suspect your suggestion that you are paying more attention now than before has a lot to do with it. Before SR shaving, I didn't shave that often and my GF hated it. Unlike most women that like beards, she loves a clean-shaven face.
My wife hated my beard. And looking back it was disgusting. Swirls and gnarly crap on the cheek. Only advantage I have was the nicest neck and chin strap around. Bad for beard great for BBS shaves.