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Thread: Straight razor learning curve

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    Default Straight razor learning curve

    I have been shaving with a couple of straight razors for a few weeks now, and I have to say that the learning curve is not as steep as I had expected. At first I did a hybrid shave—cheeks only, finishing off with a DE. But the last several days I have shaving only with a straight, one vintage wedge and one vintage with some degree of hollow grind. I could probably do two passes with the grain and get a bit closer shave, but one pass WTG isn’t bad. It might be that I benefit from years of DE shaving, so I have no problem applying too much pressure.

  2. #2
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    The old, often repeated guide to SR shaving is 100 shaves.

    I would take that number as an average. If you are getting close, comfortable shaves with less than 100 then good for you.

    The more experience you have the easier it will be to get the desired results.
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    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    Good job! If you are getting good results now then you are doing well. Keep up what you are doing but keep your eyes, ears and mind open. It will only get better once it becomes second nature.
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  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Keep in mind when we talk about a learning curve it's not that you got through a straight shave without any issues but that you got a supremely comfortable and close shave over your entire face using only a straight. When that happens you have mastered the straight.

    However you're ahead of the curve now so congratulations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Keep in mind when we talk about a learning curve it's not that you got through a straight shave without any issues but that you got a supremely comfortable and close shave over your entire face using only a straight. When that happens you have mastered the straight.

    However you're ahead of the curve now so congratulations.
    Yes, very good point. Just managing to shave without cutting myself is a low bar. And right now, I could get a better shave with one of my DEs, but I love the ritual and focus of the straight, so I’m glad I can do it without cutting my face up.

  6. #6
    STF is offline
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    Your doing very well, and congratulations for not cutting yourself.

    Don't think your taking a step backwards when you do though

    We all get pink lather from time to time. Nice sharp razors don't hurt much
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    Quote Originally Posted by STF View Post
    Your doing very well, and congratulations for not cutting yourself.

    Don't think your taking a step backwards when you do though

    We all get pink lather from time to time. Nice sharp razors don't hurt much
    This morning o nicked myself on the chin, the hardest place for me to shave right now.
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    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Other wet shaving experience does have an amount of cross over. Pressure and lather building as well as some understanding of angle are some of what I see. You seem to be progressing well. I hope you keep the learning up and find your prefect clean, close and comfortable shave.
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  9. #9
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    When you have mastered the straight you will be getting a shave that will feel better than the DE. The comfort you found with a DE with a safety bar. Compared to an open blade is hard to imagine. But handling the straight properly and controlling the blade yourself you can get a smoother feel. Its not the same as a blade forward DE. Congrats and keep it up. In a few months you will look back and think you really didnt know much now days but are happy you kept going.
    outback likes this.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gasman View Post
    When you have mastered the straight you will be getting a shave that will feel better than the DE. The comfort you found with a DE with a safety bar. Compared to an open blade is hard to imagine. But handling the straight properly and controlling the blade yourself you can get a smoother feel. Its not the same as a blade forward DE. Congrats and keep it up. In a few months you will look back and think you really didnt know much now days but are happy you kept going.
    Thanks for the encouragement. I hate to think that I will nevevuse my dE razors again. I have such a nice collection.
    outback and Gasman like this.

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