View Poll Results: How often do you usually shave?

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  • I love shaving too much/My beard requires it: EVERY day.

    75 53.19%
  • I usually shave every 2-3 days.

    53 37.59%
  • I try to keep it to twice a week. I dont need/want to really

    8 5.67%
  • Only once a week for me.

    4 2.84%
  • Oh is this a shaving forum? Oops i'm on the wrong site....

    1 0.71%
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  1. #1
    Mint loving graphical comedian sidneykidney's Avatar
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    Default How long do you usually go without a shave?

    I'm talking on average. I'm sure many of us could go without shaving if we REALLY had to but i'm talking about how often do you usually leave it between shaves?

    No doubt this is already a poll somewhere, I just want to start the discussion going again since it seems to have started on another thread of its own accord but there is no poll on that thread.

    Personally I would shave daily but am too damn lazy. I hate shaving less than twice a week cos the heavy growth means a less comfortable shave. As a result I usually shave every 2-3 days.

    In fact I need a shave now...
    Last edited by sidneykidney; 08-14-2008 at 11:40 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth jnich67's Avatar
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    Since I'm out of work at the moment, I'm shaving pretty much every other day. When working, I shave six days a week.


  3. #3
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    I shave every morning and, if I'm not happy with the morning shave, such as if the razor didn't hone up as well as I like, I might rehone the razor and shave again in the evening. I like shaving that much.

  4. #4
    Torchwood 4 Ockham's Avatar
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    I usually shave everyday (I like it and I need it)... but once in a while, when my skin is irritated - by the pollution for instance -, I treat it with peeling and stuff and let it rest a day before shaving...

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I look forward to shaving every day. I love the whole ritual of prep & lathering followed by the actual shave and then after the rinse & dry the Bay Rum or whatever. This for a guy who used a brush on a bar of Dove soap and a Gillette "Good News" disposable for thirty years and hated shaving.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  6. #6
    < Banned User >
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    I was working in marine electronics for a while after the Navy was done with me. I was installing a raday on a 65' Hatteras motor yacht at the 23rd Street Marina in NYC. The boat belonged to the man who was the owner of Hoffritz Cutlery. After I was finished I was offered a drink by the owner and we discussed shaving. I asked him if he used one of the beautiful straight razors his company sold. He said, "I have to shave twice a day. I use a new Bic disposable with every shave." He did however have me call his office with the catalog number of the razor I would like and he sent me one. I wish I could find it today. That was twenty five years ago.

    The point is that guy shaved twice a day with Bic disposables. OUCH!!

  7. #7
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    I was shaving every day (except taking one day off a week to give my skin a rest), because I love to shave.

    However, as of late, my shaves have really improved to the point that if a go BBS, there just isn't much worth shaving off 24 hours later. I certainly could, it's not as if it's still BBS, but it seems better to just give the skin a break for an extra day, lull the whiskers into a false sense of security, and then BAM cut em down again!

  8. #8
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I enjoy my morning shave, so I shave everyday, do I have to??? maybe not.....
    I do however take every other weekend off from shaving when I trim my beard down, and then re-line the edges on Monday morning... In fact that's why I started with a straight razor in the first place, for the nice straight lines you get from them, then I realized that I had no irritation like I did from electrics or disposables..... That was 1981 the rest is history

  9. #9
    Senior Member Milton Man's Avatar
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    I get such a good and close shave from a straight that I really don't have much to shave the next day - so I'm pretty well every-other day, all the time!


  10. #10
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    When I first started, I shaved every day. But at the time I was a full time undergrad and I had a regular schedule, so shaving every day was part of a routine. Since I graduated, I've been taking summer classes and working odd jobs, so there is no longer any routine to my days, and I shave as needed or when I feel like it. That works out to about every other day.

    But in just a few weeks, I'll be starting grad school full time. I'll be taking classes three days a week and observing classes in addition. The observation time will require a more professional appearence, so I imagine I'll be shaving more.

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