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Thread: Silver's Leg Massacre, Umm I Mean Shave

  1. #41
    Razor Expert and Storyteller
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    Have you tried sitting down while you shave? I've found it is the best way to get into the Straight Razor Shaving Yoga positions. lol.
    Keep it up! You are doing great, remember! Practice makes perfect!

  2. #42
    Junior Member
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    Silver you have a lot of heart. Your issues have brought up some basic questions I hope some of you ladies can answer. I used to be able to tell right away (pre straight razor days) when my wife would use my double sided razor on her legs without telling me--usually the blood dripping down my face from the first stroke let me know.

    Given the amount of surface to shave your legs, is the amount of shaves you can get from a straight razor with just stropping, before refreshing or even re-honing, much less than we get from shaving our face? I've had my eye on a lovely small straight razor I wish to get my wife but is the number of shaves she can get halved from using a straight razor, while the amount of shaving soap, lotion before and after, doubled?

    Any help out there? With a double sided blade it seemed that one use on her legs trashed the blade and I needed a brand new one.

    Thanks for your help.

  3. #43
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    OMG Silver, you have a few battle scars there. Be careful & take your time. I always try to make sure I have a nice, thick lather before shaving. Yes, stretching your skin upward would make a big difference. You're going to be ok, just plan your shave & try stretching the skin upward more next week. That last pic looks like it was trying to tell you something like oh f*ck. Other than that, stretch the skin as much as you can & it will come out ok. Your skin will be like velvet & it will be happy. It takes some time getting your routine down but once you do, you'll be ok. BTW nice legs, even with battle scars! No disrespect meant Spike.

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