Of course, check out the Ladies Corner forum for the real thing on advice that is presumably gender specific and precise.

Pink scaled razors show up on E-Bay occasionally, just keep watching and you will see them once in a while.

No reason you can’t have any blade rescaled in any color you want. Like so many things in life, if money is no object you will encounter no limitations. Not that rescaling a razor is that dollar intensive.

I have a few blades called “corn razors”. They are tiny little things, maybe 2/8” wide and 2” long. Their intent is to shave corns and callous off ones feet. The shapes can be just like regular full sized razors, some are curved like a samari sword, some are square/spike-esque, some have a point that make full sized Spanish point razors look like real sissy stuff. I’ve not actually honed and used them, I was buying them for a while because they are just so darned cute (now I am so embarrassed). But I can tell they can fit into some pretty unconventional places and move around some not necessarily manly topography. Of course, properly honed and stropped, razor sharp is still scary sharp in half the size.