Amen Brother. You just wrote my life story. I have accually started using a staight only on weekends. I use my remington electric through the week with no irritation. It is a far inferior shave for sure. The electric is uncomfortable and annoying but doesnt irritate my skin. I have been shaving with a straight for about 3 months. I know it is sharp, although it is about time to hire some help for honing. I regret going back to the electric but it is the only razor that doesnt cause irritation. I prep the same with the electric which has accually greatly improved the shave.
I feel like a traitor going back but my face is just tired of the ingrown hairs..

OK.. Im ready for all of the hate mail.
I am still fascinated with straights and look foward to the weekends when I have a chance to use them. There is just no history or talent involved in putting an electric razor to your skin. It reminds me of those electric turkey carving knives.