Been lurking and learning for awhile, first time post with a couple of questions. I read that the best method to avoid burn is long gentle strokes, but I find I need several strokes to get it tight. Around my chin the hairs are like steel cables and I have YET to get it as close as I would like there. I'm getting better under the nose -- I recently picked up a Dovo 2/8 from classicshaving and it is great for the tight areas! Around the chin I find myself having to be a contortionist with my pulling hand over my turned head and then taking multiple firm strokes asong the jawbone by my chin to get close enough and invariably end up with burn. Sometimes to the point of drawing blood. I know my razors are sharp enough (I think they are) and I am lathering like crazy. It just seems the hairs don't get soft enough around the chin. I haven't reached for a bic or a machIII to touch up in quite awhile, and I am VERY happy with the results everywhere except the chin. Are there any more tricks I should try? I've gotten the shave down to 20 min or so, and I bet 12-15 of those minutes are around the chin. Thanks to those who have created this place and to all whose advice has been invaluable thus far.