I just finished my shave and I want to vent. I'm getting the feeling that my father in-law doesn't really like me. Either that or he doesn't like people who shave with anything other than an electric razor, take more than three seconds to shave and have more than three hairs on their face.

Take tonight for example. (I should just make it clear that the only place I have to shave is in the kitchen) My father in-law decided to be a plumber and turn off the water supply, right in the middle of my shave. My wife says I shouldn't get angry at people so I just pushed on. I found some warm water in the kettle, just enough to wash my face between passes and I wiped the blade on a towel instead of rinsing under the tap.

But then my father in-law decides that the wrench he is using is not the right one, so he drops it on the ground, just near where I am shaving. I'm getting good at coping with distractions so this didn't make me cut my own throat. So then my father in-law starts banging on the wall, on the other side of where I'm shaving.

Then just as I had finished my shave my father in-law reached past me to the cabinet to find an old tooth brush, don't ask me why. At this point I was trying to resist the urge to lose my calm, I did after all have a razor in my hand. So trying to keep calm I finished my shave, no nicks miraculously, and rinsed my face with the remainder of the water from the kettle. When it came time to rinse out my brush I found a lot of cold water in the fridge.
So after all this I just had to vent.