Nice topic.

About two and a half years ago I was surfing the net and for no explainable reason other than the fact that I'm a guy and sharp things are cool, I typed in "straight razor" in Wikipedia. I found it interesting. I found SRP probably that same night and found it even more interesting. I lurked for some time, bought a TI Super Gnome from Classic which was honed by Lynn. I think I bought Lynn's DVD from Classic at the same time. I was off to the races and never looked back.

I'd been shaving for about 18 years prior to straight razor shaving and in that time tried disposables, electrics and DEs. My problem area like a lot of guys was my neck area. Terrible ingrowns. I grew to live with it and considered the time spent freeing ingrown hairs with a pointed tweezers a necessary part of hygeine. When I was younger I would have a girlfriend who was not squeemish dig the ingrowns out for me. How romantic!

Since I've been shaving with straight razors, I can go weeks to months without an ingrown hair. I still have a patch on my neck that can be irritated if I'm not careful, but that amount of improvement over all other shaving methods is dramatic.

Chris L