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  1. #1
    Senior Member Pops!'s Avatar
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    Default any single pass guys out there?

    so i'm unsure how long i've been using the feather ac.. but just over the last few days it occurred to me that i really don't need multiple passes.. i originally started with my ac by doing 3 passes.. then abandoned the atg on the neck when i started getting ingrown hairs.. then stopped the atg all together since i didn't notice a difference anyway.. and now i'm noticing that a second pass xtg isn't really needed either.. i do however have some minor spots here and there that need a second go around.. but not my entire face.. so i think my new method is just a single wtg and then a light touchup under my jawline and around the edges of my mouth...

    true.. a baby's ass is still smoother than my face.. but you could put my face up against any other 29 year old's face and i think i'd come out on top..

    anyone else gone all the way back to one pass?

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Since starting the cold water shave routine ..... and with over a couple of years doing it under my belt ........ the routine you describe is very similar to mine most nights. Every now and again I find I need a second pass but mostly it is one and a touch up under the jaw line and on either side of the wind pipe.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member pstrjp's Avatar
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    Before I tried shaving with a straight I would only shave WTG except the soul patch and mustache with my triple blade. Anything more would get me razor burn and ingrown hairs. When I started using a straight I wanted a BBS shave soo bad I tore up my face and got frustrated going XTG and ATG. I was about to quit when I backed off and have been doing a 1 pass WTG (except for that patch and mustache-nothing shaves these spots but ATG!)and doing much better. I don't get BBS but then I never had before so its not so bad. I hoped to graduate to 2 or 3 passes but its not likely to be anytime soon...if ever.

  4. #4
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    I must say that since I began shaving in 2 passes, my face looks like it met Jack the Ripper... So I will go back to 1 pass a while because that's how my skin looks better, until my technique gets better.


  5. #5
    Senior Member Pops!'s Avatar
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    hey thanks guys.. knowing that jimmy does a one pass is enough to make me feel fine about doing it too... all this bbs talk is nice and all.. but really.. at what costs? my face feels bbs when rubbing wtg.. not very many girls examine further than that.

  6. #6
    JMS is offline
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    I do one pass and a touch up and my face is plenty smooth.

  7. #7
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    I usually do 2 passes (WTG and ATG) to make my face smooth. I do 1 pass WTG if I am in a hurry. If I don't do ATG, I need to shave 2 days after that. With ATG it is 3 days.
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  8. #8
    JMS is offline
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    Funny though, when I first started I did two passes and a touch up and eventually settled into a one pass/touch up routine until I found this sight.which is when I went back to a two pass and sometimes a three pass/touch up routine.
    I am not certain when I went back to the one pass/touch up routine but I think I'll stick with it this time.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Pops!'s Avatar
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    thinking about it.. i'm planning on going back to a mach3 for a week or two to really notice the difference i am getting with my artist club.. to be honest.. the only reason i switched to the artist club was because i liked the idea of it.. now i'd like to compare my results.. i always had a super smooth shave with the mach3.. i had been using a brush and soap for years and was always told how smooth my face was.. it'll be interesting to see how much of a difference i notice.

  10. #10
    FTG is offline
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    For the last few weeks, I've been doing a kind of ATG/XTG single pass.

    Basically it involves a scything/slicing motion and buffing. If going left to right, the blade is at this kind of angle \ going this way ->

    Working fine for regular 24 growth as well as 2 day growths. Has taken some technique refinement and still tweeking different places (chin), but pretty happy.

    All the best,

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