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  1. #1
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    Default Why does it always come down to the neck...

    Ok, I am having some serious frustrations recently about shaving ATG on my neck. Now, my razor is very sharp and passes all the appropriate sharpness tests and shaves my face effortlessly even with 3 days of growth. I just got the razor back from a honemeister less than 2 weeks ago. The one area that It always seems to tug hard at is my neck going ATG. Today, I was very careful and watching the angle to maintain the flattest angle I could while still cutting hair. I even gave the razor 20 strokes on my strop just before tackling my neck. The razor just seems to tug its way through my neck and I always end up with weepers. However, going ATG anywhere else on my face feels just fine with no irritation. My prep is sound and has worked for 4 years now. Does anyone have any suggestions as to make my razor cut more effortlessly on my neck? I know its a technique problem though, so I'm at least part way to the solution


  2. #2
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    The neck is a floppy area generally, full of skin meant to stretch this way and that as the head moves - one of the more mobile skin areas, when you think about it.

    The neck also, for a lot of guys, contains the weirdest beard growth patterns when compared to the face. I, for example, have two whirlpools of beard on either side of the adam's apple area.

    So, necks need to be stretched mightily. Also, extra special attention needs to be paid to the growth patterns on the neck, and allowances made for them if you have any weird ones. It could well be that an area you think is ATG is in fact WTG and vice-versa. That can cause issues.

    General advice that has helped me with the neck is to keep a light but firm touch on the blade, keep a low angle when going agt, use shorter, more buffer-ish strokes, and learn how to do a scything stroke (learn that last one carefully - it is the reason some people call straights "cut throats")

    Good luck,

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  4. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth ChrisL's Avatar
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    You're a luckier man that I if you can shave ATG on your neck. I settle for a smooth neck shave rather than ingrown hairs that even a straight razor will bring about if I try to anger my neck whiskers with an ATG shave.

    But, I'm not obsessive about a literal BBS across every area of my face/neck with ATG either.

    Chris L
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  5. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    If there ever was a place to map your beard growth the neck is the place to do it if you want the best shave possible. My neck problems stem from the fact my neck it very sculpted and it's just hard to really get in there no matter how I stretch. With my Iwasaki no problem and some of my straights with heavy smiles no problem either but with most BBS just ain't going to happen no matter the stroke. How would an old time barber tackle it? Good question. Some day if I find one this side of the cemetery I'll ask him.
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  7. #5
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Wink Hang in there

    Hi Grant
    You already have two great advisers like Chris and James, so I am not sure how much more I can add. For me, the neck has been a problem, but not for too long...Sometimes, the issue is in the hand(s). it's a bit uncomfortable at first, but comes easier with time...hang in there. Confidence has to be developed in handling the razor, and confidently chopping the whiskers off.

    For me, after 2 months str8 shaving, the neck area is the easiest and the least irritable part to get a BBS shave, going ATG.

    It may also have some psychological factor associated with is the point of attachment of the head to the rest of the body . And, you approach this area with a sharp object in your hand...scary .


  8. #6
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    It's good to see some senior members like ChrisL and thebigspendur come out and tell it like it is about neck shaving. I'm in the same boat.

    The whiskers at the bottom of my neck grow so flat that the sharpest razor pulls ATG no matter the stroke or angle, and always results in irritation. I've posted about this many times and have just come to face the fact that ATG in that area in only reserved for very special occasions. I'll settle with a DFS in those areas over irritation any day.

  9. #7
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    Wish I had something constructive to contribute, but all I can say is that ATG is a no-no for me anywhere, and I'm also in the majority of having bizarre neck growth patterns.

    I actually go ATG on individual whiskers near my Adam's apple (literally less than 10 hairs) and the rest of my neck is done with either diagonal downward strokes from chin to shoulder, or XTG strokes from Adam's apple towards ear. I have to angle the blade if I do an explicit sideways stroke so that the tip isn't threatening my neck.

    You're right in that it's probably technique in that specific area; not that you have bad shaving technique per se, but probably that figuring out the neck's growth pattern is one of the more difficult aspects of wet shaving altogether and something that I'm still experimenting upon almost 2 years in.

  10. #8
    all your razor are belong to us red96ta's Avatar
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    My problem with the neck involve hair that grows close to the skin in an east to west pattern. I've figured out how to do an XTG from the bottom of the chin all the way to the bottom of the ear. After that, diagonal followed by trick shots like sything and guillotine moves usually gets the job done well. Like Michael Bolton said about neck shaving, all you need is some time, love, and tenderness

  11. #9
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    The other Blues and SRP members have given solid advise. If ATG is causing too many problems, then its time to try near ATG or XTG and/or settle for a DFS in this area.


  12. #10
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    The neck is one of the harder areas, second only to the chim IMO.

    If you're going ATG you'll need to have the razor almost flat on the skin, with your beard properly mapped and the correct skin stretching as well. You'll also need to make sure you have a good lather applied.

    You may also be like me and not be able to go ATG. I find that any ATG passes result in extreme irritation and razor burn, so I avoid that pass..! I get BBS on my neck with XTG and scything passes.

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