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Thread: hobbit considering shaving his legs..

  1. #11
    Currently missing "Gidget" mbaglio100's Avatar
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    Victor, if you were a professional cyclist you'd shave your legs, so if it's justification you're looking for...

    <shazam!> You're a pro cyclist. </shazam!>

    Now, go buy a bike.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Pops!'s Avatar
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    i didn't need justification.. i was just loving shaving so much and having only my face to shave wasn't enough.. i got over it though..

  3. #13
    'tis but a scratch! roughkype's Avatar
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    My wife and I were at a hot springs pool once, and I noticed that I was getting lots of looks. I'd been doing some strenuous work for a few months, and vainly mentioned something about the attention my physique had attracted. "No," my wife replied over that evening's dinner, "I overheard two ladies talking. It's your hairiness."

    There's a line somewhere in literature, about being "hairy like a lowland Scot."

    Then there's what my mother said, back when I was 14 and working shirtless in the yard: "Backlit, you look just like your father. Like a starving bear."

    Not that at 14 that gave me issues. But to shave it all, I'd have to go through a brushing carwash for the lather. And the day I can shave my own back with a straight is the day I join the circus!
    "These aren't the droids you're looking for." "These aren't the droids we're looking for." "He can go about his business." "You can go about your business."

  4. #14
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    This is funny because I was just talking about this same thing with some friends at a BBQ. Ive been shaving my legs and arms since I was about 15. Im Italian and have jet black hair on my head and your typical Italian year round tan. But I have no back hair, very little chest hair, and very little on my legs and arms. What hair I do have is long and thin but I only have to shave it 2 times a week to keep it short. I consider myself a manly man, I fish, hunt, shoot guns, drink whisky, lift weights and all the other manly things in life. Some of my friend poke fun at it but Ive NEVER had a lady friend ever say they didnt like it. Most of them actually really like it a lot. My girlfriend thinks its sexy and complains when it grows out to long. I cant say Ive ever heard a female around my age, 24, say they like a hairy man. If you work out and have a good amount of muscle mass everything looks better without hair. If you have a clean cut look and wear shorts, tank tops, and sandals regularly it works. But if you have a massive beard, bushy eye brows, out of shape and a lot of body hair its probably not for you. Its more of an overall clean look kinda thing. Try it out if your curious and see what people say. It will grow back in a few weeks so not like its life changing or anything.

    Have a good one,


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