Due to the sharply angled, predominately right-facing hairs of my face, WTG as downwards strokes is more like XTG, and right-to-left is closer to ATG than up. The most difficult part of my face, because of skin-stretching particularities, is often done almost ATG. To get a smooth shave I do about three passes, but downwards and upwards is paradoxically farther from flirting with the drastic nature of ATG, so a shaving video performed by my facial hair pattern is a cheap way to show off, rather than having true skill. Still, Lawson, the most difficult part of my face is easily vanquished by ATG-ish strokes, minimizing irritation by sheer effectiveness of stroke direction. I'm with you on that one, at least for my small patch of albeit densely bearded problem area.

Long live the magical nature of the open razor!