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  1. #11
    Senior Member pitbulls20's Avatar
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    I likely won't take anything nice with me. Probably the ol Schick and some extra cartridges. I know I won't ahve time for anything nice, they don't want you be be laid back and comfy in BC, so this is why I think afterwards and I get somewhat settled I might buy myself something nice like a fancy new razor or something

  2. #12
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    Don't take anything to boot camp that will make you stand out, thats the last thing you want is to be noticed for something like that. Just concentrate on standing out in the pt portion and be invisible the rest of the time.

  3. #13
    Senior Member pitbulls20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rexj
    Don't take anything to boot camp that will make you stand out, thats the last thing you want is to be noticed for something like that. Just concentrate on standing out in the pt portion and be invisible the rest of the time.
    This is good advice. My recruiter wanted me to volunteer for leadership positions but I am sure I won't because I am forgetful and not a leader type person. Though the plus to being successful at it is a promotion on boot camp with is nice.

  4. #14
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    Promotion = $$$ and you get to order people around. Think about it.

  5. #15
    Senior Member cudahogs's Avatar
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    Don't take anything with you. If you're allowed to have it later, then have someone in your family mail it to you.
    Do you have a job yet or are you undesignated?

  6. #16
    Senior Member pitbulls20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cudahogs
    Don't take anything with you. If you're allowed to have it later, then have someone in your family mail it to you.
    Do you have a job yet or are you undesignated?
    Yes when I went to MEPs I knew then what exactly I was going to do and if they didn't have it I was not going to join.

    But I will be a Navy Seabee. Naval Mobile Construction Battalion. My specific job is UT or Utilitiesman. Basically I will do plumbing, airconditioning, gas lines, and other stuff hehe.
    (this will give you an idea of what exactly I will be trained for) (general Seabee site)

    I look forward to this and I know this is a job I can take great pride in what I will do. This is one of the many reasons I am excited in the life change and look forward to my future. At 23 years old and having a steady job for 5 1/2 years and know what life can be like and what I hope to get from military life. I have done a good bit of research on this field to know a bit of what I am walking into and seabees, even though not very well known, even get respect from Marines and Army guys.

    If you are bored and feel like reading over the second link it will give you an idea of what seabees do and are capable of.

    Maybe this will answe some questions for some of you

  7. #17
    Senior Member cudahogs's Avatar
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    That's an awesome job! Learn how to climb poles if you're given the opportunity and you're not afraid of heights and you'll always have a great job waiting for you on the outside. Currently, at the utility I work at, linemen make over $30.00 an hour.
    As far as what your recruiter told you about volunteering during recruit training; all I can say is that you've done a great job in bootcamp if the company commanders can't remember your name upon graduation!
    Good luck, and I think I speak for all of us in that we're very proud of you and your decision to join.

  8. #18
    Senior Member 1adam12's Avatar
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    My father was in the Seabees which opened other doors for him. He then went to demolitions and from there to Seal training.

    They taught him how to build it, blow it up, and get in/out with out being caught.

    Good luck, and thank you.

  9. #19
    < Banned User > Flanny's Avatar
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    I took a JVC radio transceiver with me in my 2nd suitcase. the Drill seargent asked me if I thought I was there to party. I said if his breath was any indication then the whole place was one big drunken orgy. The other Drill seargents stifled their laughter. My arms and chest ached from the push ups but it was fun .

    If you take a str8 shaving set they'll likely call you a terrorist or ask if you're planning to hijack a plane. Probably not worth it. If you're the ham type you could always take it and offer them a shave when they bust yer chops .

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