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Thread: My first shave with a Feather dx razor

  1. #21
    Norton convert Blix's Avatar
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    I have the Feather AC SS and it's a smooth shaver, and handles pretty much as a normal straight, not overly agressive or anything.

  2. #22
    Senior Member Snuff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AFDavis11 View Post
    I think the Feather's angle is different than a traditional straight, and I think the razor is too heavy. It is easy to use but hard to keep too much pressure being applied to your face. As far as I"m concerned anyone that has trouble using a Feather should try a chain saw, it's less aggressive.
    It's all so personal. I use exactly the same angle as with a straight, I have razors that outweigh the Feather a lot, I really enjoy the Feather razors, they just agree with me. But I can understand that others feel different, otherwise we wouldn't need any forums to discuss shaving related things.

  3. #23
    Member morty1's Avatar
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    yep i agree it's horses for courses,it's just a pity that in some cases you spend a lot of cash to find out, nope this razor is not for me.mmm a pool of razors to try before you buy new would be ideal,rent to try & return for new.if only.......

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