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Thread: My first str8 shave today

  1. #1
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    Default My first str8 shave today

    I wasn't sure if I should post this here or in begginer section, I got my first straight from whipped dog yesterday and shaved with it today. In the almost five years I have been with my girlfriend a straight razor was the only thing she ever told me I could not buy and that included some pretty expensive guns. I have not actually shaved in over a year, I have just been using the beard trimmer on an electric shaver and that was it. I used the trimmer and then tried the str8, i think it still might have been a bit to long because I could feel it pulling a bit. I had some trouble getting a good lather, I was using the little sample piece of soap that came with my razor and I think it was just sticking in my brush and not really lathering.

    I shaved my right side first without any nicks, once I got going it was not nearly as scary as I thought it would be. I had trouble on my chin and got a small nick but it was not bad, I went to the left side and nicked myself twice. The hardest part was my throat right at the adams apple, I am really skinny and my adams apple area sticks out and was hard to shave. The hair on my throat grows in all different directions so that caused me some trouble. It took me about 45 minutes to do the complete shave, I hope it doesn't take that long everytime but it was an enjoyable experience and the closest shave I ever had without razor burn.

    I do have a question: The directions that came with the strop said to strop if befor and after each shave. Why do you have to strop it after and then again befor you shave?

  2. #2
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    Sounds like a good first experience. Don't worry, the shaves become quicker with proficiency. My first shave was 45 minutes, probably more, and I'm sure it was the same for the vast majority of us.

    The purpose of stropping after a shave is to remove unseen soap residue and to dry the edge before storage. It helps to prevents micro corrosion, which can cause the break down of the edge and harsh shaves. Typically, post-shave stropping is a lot less than pre-shave, usually just a dozen or so laps.

  3. #3
    ..mama I know we broke the rules... Maxi's Avatar
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    You'll get quicker. As you gain experience and your technique becomes more fluid, you'll gain a bit of speed. A bit of time is still nice though, to let your lather sit, to shave gently and with enjoyment.....that sort of time.

    It sounds like you're off to the races.

  4. #4
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    It sounds like a good first straight razor shave.
    What got SWMBO over her reservations about a straight razor?
    Tell us more about you guns.... (lots of gun nuts here)

    Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

  5. #5
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    I just ordered it, I went to pick her up for dinner tonight clean shaved. She said "you got your straight razor", I said "Yea and I didn't cut anything off, don't let me forget to buy some aftershave tonight". That was the end of that.

    To gun nuts I do not have anything really expensive. I have:
    Draco AK47 pistol (just got) --------- Mossburg 500 12 gauge---------------------S&W 500 mag
    AK47 Rifle----------------------------- Mossburg 835---------------------------------Luger
    M44------------------------------------mossburg 695 slug gun--------------------- (2) Glock 27
    91/30----------------------------------mossburg 500 20 gauge----------------------300 wsm
    10/22 RRR made by talo--------------837 tactical 12 gauge------------------------Kimber desert warrior
    AR7------------------------------------.22 mag---------------------------------------AMMO,AMMO,AMMO
    (2) chipmunk 22 for trapping

    I might pick up a Remington 700 SPS Tactical tomorrow at the gun show if they have one
    Last edited by Stonewall; 02-25-2012 at 03:57 AM.
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  6. #6
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    Pretty good collection of firearms.

    The discussion with my girlfriend went why, you'll cut yourself, if you cut yourself badly promise to stop using the straight. Which is funny because I cut myself with just about every blade I've owned. I still love sharp things.

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