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Thread: My razor collection

  1. #1
    Junior Member Zglozmn's Avatar
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    Default My razor collection

    Just some razors i acquired overtime, mostly flea market finds.. But honestly i find that i have 2 razors that i like and i use them most of them time. Sort of have a difficult time to describe what it is that i like about them, has to do with a thick edge but not too thick ? Anybody understands what i am talking about ?
    Name:  zglozmn-albums-boxes-picture98919-box-we-just-put-together-home-all-those-razors-straight-r-box-.jpg
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  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Zglozmn For This Useful Post:

    Cove5440 (06-08-2012), David52 (06-09-2012), jaswarb (06-08-2012)

  3. #2
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    What about the shave of those razors do you like best? I use hollows mostly but every so often I'll just grow my beard for a few days and revel in mowing it all off with one of my heftier wedges.

  4. #3
    Senior Member England's Avatar
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    I also have a couple of favourite razors, one is a wedge and the other a full hollow. Opposite ends of the spectrum but love them both for different reasons.
    Still use all my razors equally but really look forward to these two coming around again.

    p.s. Nice little collection but does that square lid really fit that rectangular box ?

  5. #4
    Junior Member RedLeg13F's Avatar
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    I think the lid is turned ninety degrees, so the aspect ratio of the photo makes it look square.

  6. #5
    Senior Member UKRob's Avatar
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    I was also thinking of a storage box for about 12 straights but all the advice seems to be to avoid storing them in the bathroom - which seems to defeat the object as I like to choose the razor I will use next at some stage before going to bed, give it a few laps on the leather and then a few more in the morning. The only place I can do this with any comfort is my shower room - so the question is, can anyone recommend a box or other storage arrangement that works?

  7. #6
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    I do know what you are talking about except i like mine thin - I love the box! Classy!

  8. #7
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UKRob View Post
    I was also thinking of a storage box for about 12 straights but all the advice seems to be to avoid storing them in the bathroom - which seems to defeat the object as I like to choose the razor I will use next at some stage before going to bed, give it a few laps on the leather and then a few more in the morning. The only place I can do this with any comfort is my shower room - so the question is, can anyone recommend a box or other storage arrangement that works?
    Rob I built this about 5 years ago out of scrap Cedar the only real cost was the glass, it seals with a bead of Silicone along the inside lip, it is in the bathroom, and has been there all this time... Note that in that pic there are quite a few Dubl Ducks in there it is now full with DD's and Shumate's, I have never had a problem with rust on any of the razors.. I also make sure I never open it when the bathroom is steamy...

    Trust me here I am not that good of a carpenter and this went together easily

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    To the OP
    You have a good start to a collection going there, on thing I have noticed from reading on here quite a bit, although some people prefer to try many types of grinds and edges most seem to gravitate toward one style as they get deeper into this sport..
    Last edited by gssixgun; 06-08-2012 at 11:48 PM.

  9. #8
    Senior Member UKRob's Avatar
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    Glen, this is such a coincidence because I have just posted a question about Dubl Ducks - the difference between Pearledge, Goldedge, Wonderedge etc. Now that I know you have a collection you can expect a PM regarding availability!!

  10. #9
    Junior Member Zglozmn's Avatar
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    Hey, the lid really does close. gssixgun is really envy, rust is the problem of my life not just with razors. I have a woodshop and use a bunch of more traditional tools, all the blades on them rust all the time. I use wd40 t9 and lots of it. it helps for a week or so and then the ugly beast shows its ugly head a real pain. As far as the one i like, is a i think the endue on it is very good, two i think the razor is just light, thin, but not like paper thin it is does not have that vibrating feeling. makes sense ? May be i will send a picture .

    Thanks for the complements on the box. This box is just the beginning. I want to make my scales as well . Can not really figure out how to tool them as opposed to hand carve.

  11. #10
    Member David52's Avatar
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    Those are both nice cases. I keep getting so many ideas from here. Now I just need to start cutting some wood.
    Yes. I need a camera once I get started.

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