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Thread: Cut of the Day

  1. #911
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    Quote Originally Posted by FWiedner View Post
    BTT for AnglesMatter...

    Oh so there is such a long-standing thread? Nice.

  2. #912
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    Quote Originally Posted by OldSoldier View Post
    ROUGHKYPE nominated these pictures I posted under a seperate thread yesterday. He thought they would appropriately fit under this category. The wound was NOT a result of "shaving" but a shaving-related task; I was checking the edge of a razor after honing. I was using an eye loupe, which I now painfully realize may not be the best choice. Cheap attempt at humor, forgive me.
    ANYWAY... the loupe fell from my eye and when I reached to catch it with my free hand I found the razor's edge with my pinky finger instead. Just to clarify, reaching for the falling eye loupe was stricly an invlountary reaction!
    The pictures are out of focus, they were taken with my cell phone, in the emergency room. I almost never use camera on my phone and the staff weren't exactly there for a photo shoot. They did find the details leading up to the injury funny though.
    Someone suggested pictures of the sutures also but the wound site is currently wrapped. I will get in-focus pics this afternoon to add to these. For now enjoy...

    Attachment 102907Attachment 102908Attachment 102909

    Attachment 102949

    Much better focus this time! Is it me or does it look like the cut is not very smooth? To me, it looks rather jagged. It was an extremely clean cut and burned/hurt worse than any cut I have ever had previously! It should make a memorable scar. Enjoy. I am told it doesn't count unless there were at least 10 stitches so I gues this one only counts as a scratch.
    I did that once but with a span can of 8mm Romanian ammo. I had just lifted the 1/2 full can onto a shelf and it fell off. Without thinking I tried to catch it and the lid went between my middle and ring fingers. EMERGENCY ROOM VISIT AND STITCHES. Good thing I had insurance back then. I hope your finger healed up right.

  3. #913
    Senior Member Iasonas's Avatar
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    Always hand sand a blade backed onto a hard surface, never on the air......

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  4. #914
    Senior Member criswilson10's Avatar
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    It's been a while since I got cut...

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    Soviet Stiz doesn't know that the cold war is over.
    I was going to polish it up some with Mother's, but it bit me before I even got the polish on it.
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  5. #915
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iasonas View Post
    Always hand sand a blade backed onto a hard surface, never on the air......

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    That’s gonna leave a Mark !!

  6. #916
    Senior Member Iasonas's Avatar
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    Oh yeah it will! But it not a bad thing, I will always try to fabricate an interesting story when people ask me about it

    I removed the stiches yesterday and te doctor told me that it will need another week until I can fully use my finger.

  7. #917
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theoman View Post
    Welp got the first decent slice in my cheek today. It was weird I was so focused on a future step in my shave and how I was going to tackle that my more standard section jumped out to say hello I bleed too. Does beg the question from some vets when you cut yourself early in the shave do you stop and get it to quit bleeding or just press forward? Attachment 288671
    Rub some lather on the cut and press on. If it is bleeding after you get done, hold your finger on the cut for two or three minutes.

    Be very careful the next few days so you don't top the proud flesh.
    If you don't care where you are, you are not lost.

  8. #918
    Senior Member FWiedner's Avatar
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    I've just always wanted to post a wound photo in this thread.

    It's not impressive, but we all start somewhere.

    I'll try to do better...

    Name:  The wound.jpg
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  9. #919
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    So let me set the scene. I have a nearly two year old. In order to avoid interruption I shave at night after they have laid down. This time has become one of concentration and relaxation from whatever the day may hold.

    Recently the little one, Louis (pronounced the French way), transitioned to a full size bed. This was met with joyous applause and adoration...and more sleep for us.

    Last night I began my routine of stropping my razor and laying towels down for my upcoming shave. I then read a book, Go Dog Go if you care for deep detail. Then the we lord of my house went to bed without fail and I dove into my shave routine. Whipping lather and washing my face I began my first pass.

    As a new father I was not aware of how quiet about two year olds can be. From behind I felt a hug to my legs that gave me the fight of a lifetime. What followed was a scene hard to exact to word picture. I upon feeling what could only be described as a surprise prison attack from a 92cm convict. Decided, subconsciously, to dig the french tip of my razor into my cheek shiv style.

    What resulted next was a slew of swearing in every tongue of man I posses. My outburst led to my little attacker screaming for his life and me grabbing the phone, for your benefit, and snapping this picture...then the septic pencil.

    A day later it's still bleeding and I might head for a stitch. Moral of the story? CLOSE THE STUPID BATHROOM DOOR YOU DUMB SOD!
    Name:  IMG_20180612_160553.jpg
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  10. #920
    Senior Member YoWan's Avatar
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    No problem with shaving this saturday, but then I sliced some onions for the soup. Guess wich finger stopped the blade ...
    rolodave likes this.

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