No blood was drawn and I have no photo documentation. I have only a short anecdote to relate.

Yesterday as I was shaving, I had both my hands up near my face. My left was being used as stretcher and my right was wielding the razor.

I lowered my hands to about chest level so that I could assess the the shave in progress and the razor in my right hand crossed the fingertips of my left hand, making contact. I felt the blade cross the tip of my middle finger. There was no pain, so I was not particularly alarmed when I glanced down to see what was what.

The blade had smoothly trimmed the nail on my middle finger in a half-moon slice right down short of the quick. No drag, no cut half-way and stop... Just ZIP... straight through with no effort whatsoever.

I looked down and saw the section of the nail gone, and then looked into the basin and there it was.

I imagine I stood for a minute or so looking back and forth between the separated portions of my nail thinking that I was lucky not to be bleeding profusely from a severed fingertip.

Anyway, finished the shave and pared the nail to something like normal.

Lesson learned.