Well I am kind of with earcutter. I would be lost without my little 4/8. Although I always use 2 razors for a shave these days. I always had trouble with my right to left ATG stroke on the right side of my neck. (left side is fine)But I found that using a short 4/8 allows me to get the job done nicely in this area. Having said that, I use 5/8 or larger for all the rest.
I also find a 4/8 a little harder to strop and hone.

Oh i also use 4/8 for those nasty ear and nose hairs, (which remind me I am getting old.) although it is deliberately ground to a very narrow point at the toe to allow easier access.

Apparently you shouldnt even stick cotton buds in your ear, let alone razor sharp steel, but I have never had a problem with it.

I dont know if any of you have ever tried it. It works for me. I dont recommend it for "earcutter"though