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Thread: Amazing shave in Japan! video

  1. #1
    Young Str8 Padawan dorknight's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Amazing shave in Japan! video

    I was just wowed by this


    Still takes me an hour to do one pass or so. I thought it was funny that he was shaving the front of his cheeks and nose lol. Of course a lot of people have super small hairs there, but don't shave them!!

    Japanese also have really thick hair. I know this cuz I have a lot of Japanese friends. I was surprised that he was able to do these long passes... Should I try that with my tough beard? I'm still on my 4th shave...

    The technique he was using towards the end, when he was going ATG... Is that what buffing is?
    Last edited by dorknight; 10-25-2012 at 07:32 PM.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Eekspa's Avatar
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    I'd venture a guess that he has done that once or twice before.
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  3. #3
    Young Str8 Padawan dorknight's Avatar
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    Yeah probably just twice

  4. #4
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by dorknight View Post
    I was surprised that he was able to do these long passes...
    I didn't make it through the whole thing but I didn't think that they were long at all.

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    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    I didn't make it through the whole thing but I didn't think that they were long at all.
    Same here, I usually go from top of the cheek to the bottom in one stroke.

    That guy made it look really easy, if he's a pro barber he's probably doing at least 5-10+ shaves per day every day. You get really good that way!

  6. #6
    Young Str8 Padawan dorknight's Avatar
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    Interesting... when I shave, I feel like I can't go down all the way in a long or one whole stroke cuz my beard is pretty coarse. Or maybe I just need to get used to a consistent angle and pressure over long strokes. But after watching it again, they aren't that long, I agree...

    What do you think? Also, does speed really matter? Seems to be going decently slow around the cheek area
    Last edited by dorknight; 10-26-2012 at 12:23 AM. Reason: second question added
    Name's Reony. I'm not really a dork...

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Speed matters when you're doing it by yourself and you need to catch a bus. My first pass is about 30 seconds, my second about a minute and a half.

    Like mentioned above, I pull the razor from the top of my face to the bottom of my neck in one motion on the first pass.

    If you have trouble pulling from top to bottom, two things could help:
    1) razor sharpness
    2) razor weight (the heavier the razor, the easier it will make that move)

  8. #8
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    Funny, I don't use that much of angle.. And I take shorter strokes.. Maybe I will try to angle it my edge like that to see if I get closer.. It looks effective. Different strokes for different folks i guess.

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by dorknight View Post
    Or maybe I just need to get used to a consistent angle and pressure over long strokes. But after watching it again, they aren't that long, I agree...
    Hi DK, 'Gotta admit - I've never seen a nose shaved before. And I note he was using a Friodur.

    consisten angle & pressure. This one won't get you far - except perhap a consistent *absence* of pressure. On consistent angle - your face (and any other) isn't at all consistent. Beard density isn't consistent. Your angle will vary according to the topography, lay of the beard and density. For now - just enjoy getting really familiar w/ the facial topography, trying all the stretches and strokes and bizarre facial contortions that give you a wonderful shave. I think its great you took the plunge and are doing well so far. It'll get better & better. Maybe in a while you'll do touch-ups or atg w/ only water, maybe test edges atg dry. It comes. 'Hope you have tons of fun while it comes.
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  10. #10
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    I think that many guys like the pampering and me time that comes with the ritual of straight shaving.

    I am more like DaveW. If I can find a way to trim 5 seconds off my routine I will incorporate it.

    You say your still on your 4th shave so I wouldn't worry about time, speed and perfection. Give yourself a few months and you will be pleasantly surprised at your skills learned. In the learning stage you are very conscious and thinking about what you are doing. As you go your subconscious will take over and you will stop and wonder "What did I just do?" When you reach that point you are skilled at it. Right now I am thinking of my grandson learning to walk. He is awkward thinking about it and wants a hand to hold on to even if he has the ability. In a few months his subconscious will be in control and I will have a hard time keeping up to him. He won't have to think about walking again until he gets old and his body starts to fail him.

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